A photo from open sources
In Lobamba – the city of the South African state of Swaziland – on A major chemical plant experienced an unpleasant incident. One of employees working directly with chemicals suddenly began to laugh and make inarticulate sounds, after which deliberately knocked over a barrel of acid, losing his legs and causing burns to five colleagues.
When security officers arrived at the scene accidents, a man in hysterics rolled on the floor, shouting curses and trying to reach with your hands to spilled acid. Devout the Africans, frightened that a demon had infiltrated him, decided turn to the priest when the disfigured culprit incidents were sent under police supervision to a local hospital.
However, the pastor, having carefully examined the man and listening, what happened, in no hurry to draw conclusions about the introduction of evil entities. He asked permission to visit a chemical plant to to personally see where the tragedy happened. Having inspected the enterprise, the priest said that about any demons cannot out of the question. Factory worker constantly interacting with dangerous chemicals without proper protection, just poisoned in vapors.
Those present were amazed at such conclusions. Elderly the clergyman said that in his youth he worked for several years it was at this factory, however, was forced to quit due to ill health: he began to suffer from headaches and experience severe hallucinations. According to the priest, for thirty years on nothing has changed at the plant – no one has increased the level of protection employee health and chemical storage safety – therefore it’s not surprising that the acid-spilled worker behaved.
Africa Health