After a mosquito bite, the girl survived a clinical death

After a mosquito bite, the girl survived a clinical death.A photo from open sources

25-year-old Englishwoman Kim Robinson, was engaged in household chores in the backyard of his house when someone bit her leg. To the girl It seemed that it was an ordinary mosquito.

Subsequently, it turned out that this insect was a carrier dangerous rare disease. This bacterial infection is necrotic fasciitis, which affects muscles and organs under skin.

As the girl herself describes, she felt a sharp pain in ankle when washing hands. Then this place began to itch, and on the next day the leg was swollen. Even after that, she tried not to to pay attention to the tumor, believing that enough to drink antibiotics and it all goes away.

When the infection was diagnosed, Kim was promptly taken to medical facility for emergency surgery. Doctors infected area planned to remove. However, the girl began to feel more worse, after which, the doctors decided to amputate the leg.

A photo from open sources Photo © Sonja Horsman

During the operation, the patient’s lungs failed, and her heart stopped. Doctors postponing the operation, introduced the girl to a five-day to whom, in order not to aggravate an already critical situation.

After leaving the coma, Kim did not believe she had spent so many days. unconscious. When she was shown the calendar, she simply lost speechless.

Earlier, ESOREITER talked about a country where mosquitoes do not live.

Andrey Vetrov

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