Against mosquitoes and other pests – cutting edge music

Against mosquitoes and other pests - ultra-modern musicA photo from open sources

As soon as they do not fight mosquitoes in the world, and we have in It’s not even a means for tourists (ointments, liquids, etc.) or apartment fumigators. There are much more radical methods that aimed primarily at the destruction of mosquitoes as carriers of serious diseases. For example, american scientists even developed genetically modified mosquitoes that were supposed to give fruitless offspring, thereby destroying their view.

And here is an international group of scientists, in search of more radical and completely harmless methods to combat dangerous mosquitoes, drew attention to the fact that blood-sucking insects do not just squeak – this is a call for them to mate. As the researchers determined, for example, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that are scary dengue fever, buzzing in the range of 400 – 600 Hz. And without these sound “beacons” mating simply does not take place, because females without them, they lose their reference point and all cravings for contact with males.

This prompted scientists to the idea of ​​bringing chaos to this process using music. The main difficulty was the selection exactly the musical form that would deprive mosquitoes as much as possible craving for mating. And such music was found – it’s a composition American musician Skrille – “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites. Who is not familiar with this “amazing” musical creation, let’s specify that this composition is more like cacophony from samples, noise effects and bass rhythm beats. Listen to such music without harm to your psyche is not easy even for a person. However (see video below), it is very popular on video hosting YouTube (over 300 million views).

A photo from open sources

But mosquitoes Aedes aegypti carry it with difficulty. True how the researchers noted, with a similar musical attack, you can not only fight dangerous bloodsucking, but also cause serious harm to beneficial pollinating insects. Therefore, it must be applied very carefully.

In general, this discovery allows us to make a new round in the fight against pests that are known to produce quickly immunity against all kinds of pesticides; last besides cause serious damage to the ecology of the planet. Music in this regard is more harmless means, especially since, according to scientists, it is possible very organically select (and even compose specifically) for those or other specific tasks …


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