Agarti – the mystical capital of the world

Agarti - the mystical capital of the WorldA photo from open sources

Everyone has heard of the mysterious Hyperborea, the powerful Shambhala. and perished 3 depths of the ocean Atlantis. But few people still know about one mystical center of the earth, the “spiritual” capital of our planet, underground country called Agarti. The word agarti or in another way – “agarthi” is translated from Sanskrit as “invulnerable, inaccessible. “In the collection of ancient texts – sacred to the Tibetan sages “Book of Jiang” said that in the world there are two sources forces: “Source of the left hand” is responsible for material power; center its located in the aerial land of Shambhala, a country of violence and cruelty, where the king of Fear rules. Who can find Shambhala and make an alliance with the king of Fear, he will be the ruler of the world. For for this reason, almost all conquerors and tyrants purposefully were looking for Shambhala. And here is the second center of an even more powerful force, for some reason he was less interested in earthly rulers. Probably, for the simple reason that described in the same “Book of Jiang” “Source of the right hand” located in sheltered deep underground the shrines of the land of Hagharti, is the power generated by contemplation, meditation, and it does not promise earthly goods, physical power or possession of fantastic weapons. However, according to the oldest to legends, it is from there, from Agarti, that the unknown king of the World leads the course of absolutely all events. One of the first to seriously became interested in the “world capital of meditation” and in sufficient detail wrote down myths about Agarty, there was a certain Ossendoic Ferdinand Anthony, Pole, better known under the pseudonym Ossen-Dovsky Anton Martynovich. After graduating from the Sorbonne and St. Petersburg University, Ossendoysky worked as an engineer in Siberia and the Far East. After The revolution of 1905 went to jail. October Revolution threw a former engineer to Admiral Kolchak, who provided him the post of Minister of Finance. Then for some time Ossendovsky served with the Teutonic descendant Baron Ungern, after which in 1922 He moved to his homeland – to Poland. Here in this short period wandering around Central Asia Ossendovsky and recorded from the words of local Buddhist priests legends of the almighty underground country of Agarti. Most later studies are based on his memoirs. what it represents the “Spiritual center of the earth”, “the mystery of secrets” Central Asia? More than sixty thousand years ago, one of the earthly Asian rulers led his tribe underground. Subsequently still one tribe, hiding from the hordes of Genghis Khan, found the gate to the underworld and disappeared there forever. Legends say that any a man tired of the madness of the “upper” life, if he searches, then will find and fall into the underworld. There are no wars and crimes therefore, science and culture are widely developed – embodied paradise. No one doesn’t know where the center of Agarti is located, but her subordinates spaces stretch underground throughout the planet. Llamas claimed that part of the population of Atlatuscha and Hyperborea managed to take refuge in underground kingdom shortly before the death of their mighty states. American Indians driven into the mountains by “white devils”, descended underground and became subjects of the ruler of Agarti. Lamas told that the palace of the king of the World “is in the center of the ring from the palaces of the gurus, commanding all visible and invisible forces on earth, in heaven and in hell; the life and death of man is entirely in their authorities. If even a crazy mankind will unleash against underground inhabitants of the war, they can easily blow up the earth’s crust, turning the planet into the desert. They are able to drain the seas, flood the land and erect mountains among the sands of the desert. By order of the gurus grow trees, grass and shrubs, decrepit and sick people become young and feppy, and the dead rise from their deathbed. IN underground chariots unknown to us rush along the narrow inhabitants to crevices within the planet. “If a person is” uninitiated “by chance will get to Agarti, and on his return will begin to talk about what he has seen miracles there, then the llamas will cut off his tongue – the “secret of secrets” of Asia should remain indestructible. However, according to legends, some are allowed was to go down to Agarti and bring from there crumbs of knowledge. Among “initiates”: Shawir-Eddin-Mohammed Babur – the first great Mughal in Of India, Undurtagan is the first head of the Lamaist church in Mongolia and other “firsts.” Sometimes it happened that they went down and came back, carrying with them the secrets of the underworld, whole tribes and peoples. One legend says that “when (a tribe of Western Mongols) destroyed Lhasa (the capital of Tibet), one of their units operating in the southwestern mountainous region penetrated into outskirts of Agarti. There, the olets comprehended the basics of secret knowledge and brought them to the ground. That’s why the Olet and Kalmyks are such skillful sorcerers and predictors. And from the eastern regions, a tribe entered Agarti dark-skinned people who remained there for many centuries. However at the end ends they were expelled from the kingdom, and the tribe had to return to the land where they brought the art of divination on cards, herbs and hand lines. This tribe is called gypsies … “. The gate leading to Agarti, open on both sides – the king of the World himself occasionally rises to the surface. According to legend, the ruler of Agarti five times appeared among mortals. Five hundred years ago, the king of the world visited Erdeni-Dzu – an ancient monastery erected on the ruins Karakoram – the Mongolian capital of Genghis Khan, and in 1890 consecrated with its appearance the Narabanchi-Kure Monastery, located in eastern part of Mongolia. The most mysterious in all of the above legends are that very few travelers have ever crossing Central Asia, mentions in his diaries the mysterious country of Agarti. Although in the records of many of them there are legends about visiting mysterious rulers of the earth monasteries and temples, but we are talking about lords of the “Source the left hand “- Shambhala. In Mongolia itself, neither historians nor nomads do not know anything about Agarti and have never heard the above legends. In the world there are only two more or less detailed source of information about Agarti: these are memoirs of the already mentioned A.M. Ossendowski and the book “Mission of India in Europe”, written by a certain mystic Alexander Saint-Yves d’Apewydrome in 1866. True yet contemporaries of d’Alveidre doubted the mental health of the author “Mission of India”, and if we assume that he is crazy, then there remains only one detailed source, which is no longer possible check – the memoirs of Ossendovsky. However, it’s hard to imagine how, in essence, a civilian on the run, moreover in completely wild places entertains himself by writing nonexistent legends, historians have tried to analyze the works Ossen-Dowski, the good in his memoirs are real geographical names, in particular – a description of the gate leading to underground country. As a result of searches, the “entrance” was not in Mongolia, and on the territory of Russia in Tuva, in the Western Sayan. Therefore, it was here that the fugitive engineer first heard about the country Agarty. However, it is known for certain that the “cartridge” of Ossendovsky – Baron Ungern in 1921 sent his people in search of the underground Agarti countries in Tibet. Why did Ungern send people to Tibet and not to The Western Sayan is still a mystery. “Source of the right hand” – the underground country of Agarty – briefly opened to one person and closed again, and remained the “secret of secrets” of Central Asia. I. Saveliev

Life India Russia Tibet Shambhala

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