Aging Don Juan and Wise Cats

Aging Don Juan and wise catsPhotos from open sources of

For some reason, it is believed that aging and becoming useless to anyone only a woman, but a man is attractive until his death. it a woman panics from every wrinkle on her face, and menopause perceives as a tragedy or even a small death, and a man he that, most importantly, that the teeth were in the mouth and the back was not particularly hunched over – even young ones look at this …

But this is only one side of the coin, most representatives the stronger sex at this critical age are panicky afraid of loss sexual potency. No, they understand in their minds that men’s relationships and women are not the most important thing, but subconsciously it is sex consider the most important thing in life. And this inferiority complex turns an aging man into a kind of hunted and at the same time aggressive rabbit time.

Now he’s definitely choosing a partner who’s twenty and she was, at least, perfect in figure and cute in her face. And do not give a damn about all the subtleties and elusive charms of a woman charm, the main thing is that there is a guarantee that in case of bed – everything will work out.

Hence, on the one hand, intolerance towards any female shortcomings, and on the other – an unguarded hatred of youth, as young girls either do not give or demand impossible passion and stamina in bed. Both that, and another for An aging don Juan is simply unbearable.

Here is such an ugly aging that turns a man into a kind of parody of a representative of the stronger sex. The funniest thing is that in most cases, this type of behavior of an aging man demonstrate modern moneybags. And while they still they are surprised that women love only their money …

A photo from open sources

But there is another type of aging men whom women themselves affectionately called wise cats. These bask in their sunshine “decrepit mound”, with emotion look at youth and about nothing regret, including the lost male power. Notably that it’s precisely to such old men that young cats drop in more often than to the recalled Don Juans, and they come not for money, but namely for warmth, comfort and affection. And if they don’t come, wise cats quite content with women of their age.

The merits of such men are so obvious, convincing and diverse that do not need any physiological and more sexual evidence. These are whole natures, and here they are remain men for the rest of their lives, very attractive and beloved women of all ages. A woman’s heart isn’t fooling …

But if a man still wants to stay until old age, not only wise, but still strong and sexy, he certainly should pay attention to urological massage offered by spiritual the teacher of our time and the famous doctor M.S. Norbekov. Mirzakarim Sanakulovich, for example, believes that with loss sexuality, a man loses health, and then gradually the meaning of life. Therefore, it’s not worth it like that, in a Soviet way, scornfully relate to sex. This is far from a secondary thing, says teacher, and therefore sexual potency must be maintained in the same way as an intelligent person maintains his physical body. Good that for This is relatively simple and accessible to all men. mechanism – massage and maintenance of the muscle corset through truly the magical power of a smile and heartfelt kindness.

Cat Life Time

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