A photo from open sources
In many parts of the US state of North Carolina recently a mysterious greenish haze arose, which, however, quickly found a rational explanation. According to experts, everything the overabundance of pollen flying from oaks, pines became the fault birch, mulberry, beech and other trees during spring flowering.
This news has become especially unpleasant for local residents, allergic sufferers. So, in the city of Durham, the concentration of pollen flowering plants turned out to be so tall that local experts declared her “life threatening”. On the World Wide Web distributed photographs of the “affected” area, showing houses and trees in a surreal green haze, like something from sci-fi movie. Naturally, many users The Internet began to build the most frightening assumptions, however they were quickly sobered up by scientists.
Researchers found that pollen abundance in the air became the result of rising temperatures due to global change climate. According to US Environmental Protection Agency Wednesday, since 1995, the number of days in the USA when allergy sufferers overall increased by 25, that is, almost a month. Also the most, by the way, happens in some other parts of the world, where the average annual temperature rises steadily.