Air spoiled for 300 years in advance

A photo from open sources

PHOTO: Getty Images Mankind has managed so change the climate, that it will take centuries to restore it, scientists are sure. In order for the planet’s climate to return to indicators of the XX century., It will take several hundred years, scientists are sure. Climatologists believe that a favorable scenario is possible only in in the event that humanity begins to extract from the atmosphere carbon dioxide that industry emitted throughout XX century. “Emissions from human activities, make up about 9 billion tons of CO2 per year, half of this amount remains in the atmosphere, the rest is absorbed by the ocean and communicates in other ways. To return climatic conditions Twentieth century, we will need to remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, what was originally thrown away, “said Andrew McDougall of University of Canada Victoria at European Conference Geophysical Union in Vienna. McDougall talked about that in the result of preliminary computer simulation scientists got two possible scenarios. In the best case, temperature and weather indicators of the XX century. will be restored only by the end of XXIV – mid XXV century, ocean acidity will return to normal values a hundred years earlier. But even according to optimistic forecasts, some changes are already irreversible. So the Greenland glacier will melt completely while the level of the oceans will rise by about 7 meters. However, unless special efforts are made, climate conditions of the XX century. will be restored only after a thousand years. A favorable scenario is possible only on condition that humanity will not only reduce CO2 emissions, but will start remove carbon dioxide from it and dispose of it. For example, already Now there are technologies that allow you to freeze dry ice and flood it in the ocean at great depths where high pressure does not allow carbon dioxide to dissolve in water or evaporate. Climatologists note that since 1910 the average temperature on the planet has risen by one degree. This means a gigantic increase in total thermal energy stored in the atmosphere and oceans. Estimated scientists, the probability of a hot summer in a single region for the last 50 years has grown five times.



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