Airgel designed to accelerate several times bone fusion

Developed airgel, several times accelerating bone fusionA photo from open sources

Scientists have long been looking for ways to speed up the recovery process. bone tissue, and it seems that in this direction a serious breakthrough: invented a special airgel that promotes accelerated intergrowth of damaged bones. Informs the Information Edition Inverse

This airgel has a stimulating effect on growth. bone tissue, which is why the process of its restoration takes only a few days.

A photo from open sources

Reporters found that innovative material is not only accelerates the process of bone growth, but also significantly helps people with bone cancer.

Silica gel airgel contains components natural silk, which makes the structure of the material light and very durable.

The drug development process included lengthy experiments on rodents that have shown stunning results: when the substance injected into mice, then the process of bone restoration accelerated in repeatedly.

Earlier, Russian scientists created porous from plastic and salt material that perfectly imitates bone tissue table salt has become the main excipient.

Andrey Vetrov

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