A photo from open sources
In order to meet these women, photographer Jill Peters had to travel to northern Albania. There, in the mountain villages, they lead a “male” life – so tells them their culture and their society. Many women took a male role from an early age. They did this in order to circumvent the ancient laws, stating that a woman is the property of her husband. Right vote, drive a car, do business, earn money, drink, smoke, swear, wear trousers and own weapons traditionally recognized here only by men. Young girls usually forced to marry, often for old people from distant villages. But women have another alternative – to become “foul virgins” and … gain the status of a man with all rights arising from it. To declare others about her decision, a woman cuts her hair, dresses in men’s clothes and even sometimes changes the name. Men’s habits and manner stick specially developed and eventually become “second nature”. And most importantly, a woman vows to remain virgin to the end of her days. Curious that these virgins enjoy great authority in society. Their “turning” into men fully and unconditionally accepted by the whole environment. But the most surprising is that these women have practically no regrets over what they had to sacrifice. Here some photos of “foul virgins”:
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
A life