A giant “black hole” has formed on our star a giant – just cyclopean – hole in the sun reported American scientists. And as proof, they published pictures of our luminaries made by SOHO – NASA’s Solar Observatory and European Space Agency / NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). The photo shows that the dark the region covers almost the entire polar part of the Sun with a cap – this and there is that same hole. It is called coronal because similar anomalies occur in the upper layers of the solar atmosphere – in sunny crown. The hole was spotted July 18, 2013. IN It is almost a million kilometers across.
Photos from open sources
The “black hole” on the Sun is visible in the ultraviolet range Photo: NASA
“Nothing terrible happens,” the senior scientific reassures Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Director Astronomical Observatory of the Irkutsk State University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergey Yazev. – holes of this size have arisen before. Although not often.
They are just areas of reduced density and temperature.
Worse is another. According to the scientist, coronal holes are also powerful sources of solar wind. Like coronal emissions – outbreaks. And in that and in other cases, the star “shoots” solar matter. It rushes into space. It falls on the Earth, causing magnetic storms that affect people’s well-being.
A photo from open sources
Now on the side of the Sun facing the Earth, a small hole Photo: SDO
A huge hole literally showered our planet for several days. solar matter. Therefore it is not surprising that the last week July, people complained about health problems. Now visible the hole is very modest in size. Where is awesome? Dragged on?
– The hole seen first likely went to the back Of the Sun, – Sergey Arkturovich answers. – After all, the luminary rotates, making one revolution in 27 days. So in the period from August 8 to 13 a huge hole may appear again. Creeps out. Some holes “live” for 5 months. Photos from open sources
The most bizarre anomalies appear on the sun. For example, in in December 2010, a million-long snake appeared kilometers Photo: NASA
Hot days expected
Shortly before the return of the huge “black hole” with its emissions, streams of charged particles bring down solar flares on earthlings. how pictures taken by STEREO-SDO July 30th testify 2013, their sources – active areas – just creep into the visible part of the luminary facing our planet. To the “line of fire” they will be out in two to three days. Therefore, strong magnetic storms on Earth can be expected from 3-4 to 6-7 August.
NASA Sun Black Hole