Amazing creature captured in depth Indian ocean

An amazing creature captured in the depths of the Indian OceanA photo from open sources

Members of the Five Deeps Expedition, designed to explore the most hidden corners of the oceans, talked about their new achievement. Specialists sank to the bottom Javanese Depression, which is the deepest point of the Indian ocean, and captured at a depth of 7729 meters an amazing creature, reminiscent of a balloon on a string. Including submitted Below the video, you can see this mysterious creation yourself.

According to scientists, most likely, we are talking about earlier unknown to science form of ascidia – chordate animals from the subtype shellfish. In the larval stage of ascidia, they have a germ of the brain, which, however, completely disappears as it grows older. Besides Moreover, with age, these aquatic inhabitants grow to the bottom and stop moving, although, being larvae, swim freely in the ocean. The length of ascidia is, as a rule, from 0.1 mm to 30 centimeters.

A photo from open sources

Expedition to explore the deepest places of each ocean Earth will be the subject of a five-part documentary that will be shown at the end of this year on the Discovery Channel. The plunge into the Yavan depression was a record since formerly manned commercially certified underwater vehicles did not sink to such a great depth. The next destination will be the Challenger Abyss – the most the deepest point of our planet, located in the famous Mariana the basin of the Pacific Ocean.

Researchers, filmmakers and, of course, you, we need believe new discoveries and exciting moments of deep sea life …

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