Amazing River Turning Plans

Grandiose plans for turning riversPhotos from open sources of

From time immemorial it seemed to man that nature did not foresee everything in the arrangement of our world, and therefore it was he who had to complete some flaws for her. Here we take those the same rivers, which without great benefit carry huge masses of fresh water in the sea, while this moisture is so needed arid agricultural areas. And desalination of the seas, most often, leads only to negative consequences, at least with point of view of man.

Turn of indian rivers

To this end, from ancient times, various irrigation systems to direct river flows to agricultural needs and other tasks. Most recent the great news in this regard is the decision of the Government of India turn back the country’s deepest rivers, such as Brahmaputra and Ganges, and direct their waters to regions that are in present due to drought (incredible heat over forty degrees Celsius) of recent years have almost remained without water. For this reason, three hundred and fifty million people were affected.

A photo from open sources

Uma Bharati – Minister of Water Resources of India recently said that this decision did not arise spontaneously, it is dictated by the extreme necessity. Of course, against such a grand transformation. advocates of the country’s ecologists who believe that the necessary research in this matter has not been conducted, and therefore the consequences such a step is unpredictable. However, the Supreme Court of India rejected the claims of environmentalists and supported the decision of the government, because, on the one hand, this project will be the first in its of national importance since independence countries in 1947, and on the other – today the government of India spends significantly more money transporting water to arid regions by automobile means. In addition, you have to fight more frequent fires due to drought.

Turn of Siberian rivers

Note that the grandiose plans for turning the flows of large rivers thought before, and the most famous of them was the project of Stalin, who wanted to turn the Siberian rivers Yenisei and Ob, that is, direct their flows to Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

A photo from open sources

To do this, it was necessary to dig a channel, the length of just something (!) several thousand kilometers. That at the same time thirty million hectares of fertile land will disappear from the face of the planet three thousands of cities, towns and other settlements, and their inhabitants a few million people will need to be relocated somewhere – this it was not taken into account then. The USSR loved “our plans huge “, and spared no money and human resources. By the way, this project, like Belomorkanal, was planned build by convicts, that is, almost slaves. Besides captured Germans still remained. Moreover, since at that time (early fifties of the last century) technology for such grandiose plans had not yet been expressed even absurd with today’s point of view the idea of ​​using atomic for this explosions. In the early fifties, it seemed a completely harmless thing, the main thing is not very expensive and effective.

At the same time, the head of the Hydroproject Sergey Zhuk, who considered the turn Siberian rivers too fantastic, offered more gentle option that nevertheless promised a colossal country economic benefit, namely the turn of the northern rivers of Vychegda, Pechora and the Northern Dvina to Kama, which significantly replenished with waters Volga, on which it would be possible to build additional hydroelectric power stations.

River Turning Plans Live On

All these grandiose, almost fabulous projects for time, it was not destined to come true, because all the necessary calculations their implementation was completed only in 1954, that is, already after the death of the leader of the peoples. During this period, the Kremlin began a struggle for power, and no one cared about projects with river bends. And later, the new leadership of the country found its grand plans, downloaded the development of virgin land and space, then – the construction developed socialism, BAM, perestroika …

By the way, today many scientists, considering those turning plans Siberian rivers reversed, find their rational grains in them, why these projects again loomed on the horizon of great achievements already our twenty-first century. And the point here is not even to ensure arid areas of water. Such transformations could change Siberian climate, making it softer, and thereby free for the normal existence of people is just a colossal territory, which is practically not used in Russia. Speak even hunch that Stalin was interested in this very point of view a project for turning Siberian rivers, since he was a wise man, far-sighted and even spiritual. Isn’t this the last straw patience of the Illuminati who have long tried to remove the objectionable a leader stopping them from establishing world domination?

The very idea of ​​turning Siberian rivers remained, and did not disappear. This is all the more tempting even in terms of the fact that Siberia itself predict a great future. That’s just who will change the climate on this vast territory – man or Mother Nature herself?

Interestingly, the Indian government will succeed in their grandiose plans? ..

Water Time India Kazakhstan Climate Siberia Stalin

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