A photo from open sources
A huge smooth triangle was unexpectedly spotted on Wednesday, July 4, over the American city of Taylor, Michigan. According to many eyewitnesses, it was like a pyramidal an object formed among clouds.
The townspeople immediately started talking about aliens and possible the invasion, however, most witnesses to the unusual picture were concerned only to quickly capture the anomaly on cameras of their phones and upload the received pictures to the World the web. True, and they immediately built different versions what is happening, one worse than the other.
More realistic versions have also been put forward, for example, about geoengineering, i.e. impact on climate (in this case, on clouds) by artificial method.
But some conspiracy theorists continue to insist that we all live in the so-called “Matrix”, that is, the universal illusions like the one that was shown in the eponymous science fiction movie. Say, our eyes appear so surrealistic images due to the fact that the work of the “Matrix” failures occur. This, according to supporters of conspiracy theories, leads to the emergence of not only perfect geometric clouds forms, but also many other anomalies. So, for the magic, all kinds of supernatural phenomena and other irrationalities we accept exactly the “glitches in the Matrix”.
Well, look at the video one of these glitches and offer your version of what is happening with the clouds that began to be noticed around the world more and more …