American billionaire striving for immortality, paid to be killed

The American billionaire, striving for immortality, paid to be killedA photo from open sources

32-year-old American entrepreneur and specialist high-tech Sam Altman paid 10 thousand dollars for so that scientists kill the body and remove its brain. The fact is that unusual startup “Nectome” promises to keep the brains of its customers, to subsequently upload them to supercomputers. Thus, the consciousness of Altman and other volunteers will be able in theory to exist forever. Of course, no one is planning yet kill a billionaire, however in the foreseeable future he really ready to say goodbye to his mortal shell in order to achieve digital immortality of the mind.

Representatives of the company “Nectome” report that their method is 100% fatal, but there is a chance that the human brain will be digitized and loaded into a powerful computer. When technology is reached it’s hard to say, but Sam is convinced that will happen during his lifetime. This approach resembles cryogenic freezing when the human brain cools to extremely low temperatures in the hope that someday advanced technology allow to bring him back to life and transplant into a donor body. Altman longs for his mind to be placed in a peculiar “digital cloud” where it can grow exponentially.

New “fashion” in search of immortality?

The richer American is not the only one who desires this immortality. 24 other individuals also paid scientists a tidy sum for this service. Assumed that the head each of these “lucky” will be opened while they are still alive, and their brains will be extracted, then connected to complex electronic system. So far this is pure fantasy, but Nectome employees assure their customers that such technologies will be relatively soon will become a reality. The startup has already received federal funding, that is, real money was allocated for such a dubious undertaking American taxpayers. And some naive townsfolk and even politicians claim that officials in the West do not “sawn” the budget …

One way or another, experts from “Nectome”, received from the authorities impressive grant, we have already figured out the ethical side of this a question. The fact is that in 5 US states suicide is legal with medical help, and it will be served under this sauce hypothetical procedure for transplanting consciousness into a computer. The company is assisted by eminent neuroscientist and bioengineer Edward Boyden, who managed to keep the pig’s brain so good that in it each neuron and synapse can be examined under a powerful microscope. Boyden is sure that the central part of the human nervous system is also can be saved until better times (at least) when technological innovations will allow to present to the prisoner in it the mind is digital immortality.

A life

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