American invented a simulator for walking around water

The American invented a simulator for walking on waterPhoto from open sources

Gamely Cruz is an amateur architect from an American city Las Vegas – created an unusual device that allows a person realize the dream of walking on water. His invention of “WaterBlade” is a special floating platform equipped with electric drive.

Nevertheless, it is worth making a reservation and inform that carefree walks on the water surface should not be expected. Innovation It is positioned on the simulator, which serves to develop the legs, back and press. Therefore, to slide on the water, you will have to sweat. However, according to Cruise, such training will bring the user is no less fun than cycling, and health benefits can be no less.

Power of the electric motor built in “WaterBlade”, is 0.85 horsepower. The device is powered by a twelve-volt lithium-ion battery and develops traction in twenty five kilograms. The user has at his disposal eight speeds, five of which are front. Board management carried out by legs and moving body weight. It, as assured the author of the invention, intuitively and mastered at the first operation of the device. However, for starters, before to go with a board to the lake, it would be worth practicing to manage her in the pool.

The maximum speed on “WaterBlade” is ten kilometers per hour. The device is made of composite fiberglass, aluminum and nylon. In the future may appear designs with inflatable elements.

Unfortunately, on the Kickstarter website, Gamelie Cruise’s project has not yet aroused great interest. Only seven people in total donated two hundred and five dollars out of the necessary ninety thousand. However, the American has thirty-seven more days to to collect the necessary amount. Will he be able to hook people at this time the brainchild, that is, those who walk on water would like more Naturally, as, say, did Jesus Christ of Nazareth?


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