American medium helps police catch criminals

American medium helps police catch criminalsA photo from open sources

Forty-seven-year-old Scott Hammilton is a state-of-the-art psychic Connecticut. What distinguishes him from numerous colleagues is that he does not guesses, does not predict the future and does not seek out diseases, demanding from customer cash payment.

Instead, the American has been donating for two years now. law enforcement agencies catch dangerous criminals. For this Hamilton “communicates” with the deceased victims, and they sometimes give the medium clues to detect their murderers. Not so long ago Scott helped police find the man who committed the murder of ten years back.

In 2005, one woman, a mother of two from Hartford, strangled. Then no one was arrested. Hamilton visited recently the deceased’s grave and asked if he could somehow help discover the killer. The restless spirit of the murdered woman said that it was necessary peep into the pantry of her ex-young man. Psychic here he called the police and reported this information to the guards law and order. They promised that they would visit a man. The next day they did this and suddenly found clothes in the pantry, villi which were found on the body of the deceased. Shocked by the appearance the police criminal immediately admitted everything, now he is waiting life imprisonment.

A year earlier, the medium helped the police find two robbers who set fire to the pensioner’s house in Bridgeport, because of which she was poisoned smoke and perished. Hamilton came to a charred house and saw in the darkness of the corridor an obscure silhouette that informed him of the signs criminals. The psychic wrote them down and handed them over to law enforcement officers – fourteen hours later, the killers were captured.

According to the Hartford police, they tried many times persuade management to take Scott to an official position, however according to the law, this turned out to be impossible. Yes, and the psychic himself assures that he doesn’t need either a salary or official employment in the police. Hamilton makes a living working remotely an employee for online publications. Communication with spirits and the search for killers he considers his gift to be used for the good humanity without the requirements of any reward.


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