American scientists have been successful in developing an endless source of energy

American scientists have been successful in developing an endless source of energy.A photo from open sources

Scientists at the National Laboratory in Livermore (California, USA) published the first significant development success report infinite source of energy that can compete with The sun. The cherished dream of scientists is to create a source of energy, derived from a thermonuclear reaction that could produce an infinite amount of electricity from atoms of ocean water as fuel. During a series of experiments, the official laboratory site, scientists connected particles of hydrogen atoms under ever-increasing pressure and temperature. This led to the occurrence of microimplosion – explosions directed inward – which within a split second released more energy during reaction than was spent on the reaction itself. Science Event was called an important step towards “taming” energy thermonuclear reaction – the very process that provides the energy of the sun. “The machine will not start up from the energy received. And we cannot provide the house with energy yet. A lot of time will pass before we overcome all scientific and engineering difficulties so that ensure the practical use of this energy, but we at delighted with the result. This is a huge step forward scientifically, “- told CNN broadcaster physicist Omar Hurricane, who led an experiment. He said that when a tiny container explodes, containing two isotopes of hydrogen, really more energy than was spent on the reaction itself – about 17 thousand joule. However, the container received only about 1% of the total energy spent during the experiment. However, the reaction is also led to heat. And it can help scientists reach them. the ultimate goal is the creation of a controlled, sustainable fusion a reaction that will supply the world with safe energy in the right volume.

The sun

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