American shot a cougar with a jaw on crown

An American shot a cougar with a jaw on top of his headPhoto from open sources

Idaho American shot late last year amazing cougar with teeth growing from the top of her head. The hunter noticed a strange animal thirteen kilometers from the city Preston. According to representatives of the local fisheries department and hunting, the man has the necessary license to shoot animals.

Feline predator, which was first mistaken for a female mountain lion attacked in December a dog of one of the landowners Preston, after which a hunter was hired to destroy the dangerous the beast. When the puma was finally shot, her head was discovered an almost fully formed jaw with teeth, and small mustache. The specialists who examined the dead animal, concluded that it is either Siamese who died at birth twin, or teratoma – a tumor that may contain various body tissues, teeth, hair and even whole organs up to eye.

A picture of a dead cougar posted by a hunter on the Internet, instantly circled the World Wide Web, giving rise to heated debate not only among ordinary users, but also among specialists. Some commentators said it was a hoax, and the Americans simply “attached” fangs to the crown of the predator. Other Network Regulars considered that an animal with a similar deviation could well inhabit in the wild.

A photo from open sources

Abnormal cougar turned out to be real

Idaho zoologists are also divided into skeptics and those who believed in the veracity of the photograph. Local Hunter Jennifer Jackson’s department says: “The hunter brought a dead year old female cougar, and we immediately noticed on her head strange outgrowth with hair and real teeth. By state law, everything animals killed as a result of hunting must be registered in department. I admit, we were very surprised when we saw fangs on the head of a cougar. We’ve never met before something like that. ”

Experts performed tests and found out that the tumor represents a mixture of muscle and skin tissue from which teeth and wool grew and mustache. Idaho Fisheries and Hunting Department made an official statement that the cougar was real. Probably, it’s about the parasitic Siamese twin who died at the time of birth. Needless to say, such cases are extremely rare in humans and animals.

According to the hunter who shot the puma, he plans to make she stuffed and set it in her country house.

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