A photo from open sources
To make the human brain comfortable to perceive the world, it constantly looking among the objects around us for shapes and patterns, reminding him of something specific. For example, human faces. Each of us probably many times in his life suddenly noticed faces on the walls of houses, on household appliances, peeling paint, on fruits and vegetables, among the clouds running across the sky. Such a feature of our brain is called a para-idol illusion.
An American artist named Robbie Kraft decided to figure out this phenomenon with the help of modern technology.
A photo from open sources
To start, he skipped through a special software providing one hundred twenty-five pictures laid out to the World a web with the tag “Faces in Things”, that is, “Faces in things.” Interestingly, already after the computer put together fifteen random photographs, the image clearly appeared human face.
After that, it occurred to the artist to generate average human face. For this, Robbie Craft passed through his program more than two hundred photos depicting Internet users in full face. The computer managed to overlay one on the friend is only fifteen shots of human faces, and amazingly, but the resulting outlines were very similar to what the program made with images of things that only resemble faces.
According to the American, he also plans to put together several thousand images of visual noise. Artist suggests that randomly scattered dark and light spots can also be composed into something resembling a person’s face with eyes, nose, mouth and even a silhouette of the head.
Pareidolic illusion, also called sensory illusion. additions is considered by materialists a common explanation that people see ghosts, perfumes and various anomalies. Even NASA’s official position is that all the faces, animals, and objects observed in the images of Mars are just bizarre-shaped stones, and the human brain sees them familiar earthly things though nothing really like that on The red planet supposedly does not and cannot be.
Illusions Artists