American soldiers want to implant brain sensors

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DARPA (Advanced Research Agency) USA) is going to improve mental health military personnel using brain sensors. Office allocated 70 million dollars for an implant tracking project neural activity.

According to statistics, the military suffers from mental disorders much more often than ordinary people. Every ninth dismissal from US troops are associated with mental health problems. it logical, because soldiers have to deal with terrible events that affect their psyche.

DARPA is trying to better understand how the brain works to provide effective treatment for soldiers and war veterans. New project, for which the agency agrees to allocate $ 70 million, called Subnet (stands for “System Neurology for emergency therapy “).

The Subnet project is based on Deep Brain Stimulation Technology – surgical treatment during which the patient’s skull integrate special chips that track brain activity. it allowed to treat epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. DARPA Development will be similar, but it will target the symptoms with which clash the military. The device will be able to track activity brain and analyze information in real time.

“If the Subnet project is successful, it will cause a real breakthrough in neuropsychiatry, will allow you to break out of conversations with the patient, which often are not objective. We will come into reality in which therapy will be based on reliable neurological characteristics. Now we can help patients with chronic phantom pains, unexplained depression or various post-traumatic disorder, ”said a DARPA spokesperson Justin Sanchez.

DARPA will read volunteer brain data to Understand how a healthy brain functions. Based on this information will be constructed a model of how the brain functions in normal and emergency situations. All this work will be completed in five years.


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