Americans came up with an electric heart without ripple

Americans came up with an electric heart without a rippleA photo from open sources

The human heart is a truly unique organ. Each the year of our life it makes forty-two million reductions. Only nature could create such a wear-resistant mechanism.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the best minds of our planet for many decades struggling with the problem of creating artificial hearts and can not achieve the desired results. Even the most modern dynamic machine designed to shrink one hundred fifteen thousand times a day, will not last with such loads and two years, permanently exposing the owner’s life to danger.

American scientists seem to have taken the first step towards creating a durable artificial heart. Specialists developed a prototype implant that does not mimic the heartbeat and therefore does not experience significant loads. In the middle bionic prototype is a rotating disk equipped with ribs. The disk is supported by a magnetic field and rotates cyclically, providing the movement of blood through the vessels. The device does not pump liquid, and pushes it. Americans are sure that their development is already significantly ahead of all previously submitted prototypes.

Electrical development testing was carried out on cattle with heart disease. The implant allowed cows walk and even run. Longest lifespan an animal with an artificial organ inside was almost a month with the moment of implantation, however, interruptions in the operation of the technology so far lead to the death of cattle. Studies have also shown that the invention perfectly interacts with the lungs and kidneys of animals.

A life

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