A photo from open sources
Almost a century ago, leading American scientists managed to create hybrid of man and monkey. This was unexpectedly stated by the 77-year-old professor of evolutionary psychologists Gordon Gallup from the University New York State at Albany.
According to the scientist, in the 20s of the last century in Florida a unique science park “Orange Park” a baby whose mother is a female chimpanzee and her father unknown human sperm donor. Sounds, of course, how clean fiction, however Gallup, being an authoritative researcher with many awards and connections, fully vouchs for the truth of his words.
A photo from open sources
Giving an interview to reporters of the famous British tabloid “The Sun, “the expert said that experiments on crossing humans and the monkeys were carried out by the American (and maybe the Soviet as well) scientists for several decades however no one seriously calculated that a four-armed primate would be able to give birth from representative is not his kind. Therefore, even for the authors of the experiment became a real shock when a female chimpanzee suddenly got pregnant as a result of artificial insemination from a person, safely endured and gave birth in a secret research institution of a healthy child.
Having crossed humans and chimpanzees, the Americans were afraid of the consequences. of this experiment
Unfortunately, among the people of science who did not expect the success of this procedures, heated debates about ethical and moral immediately flared up sides of the question, whereby a striking animal was decided to euthanize, that is, simply euthanize, destroy. However, for those few weeks, until Humane (such a name was given cub) grew up and lived in a laboratory, he never ceased to amaze specialists. Genetic tests actually showed the creature belongs to both chimpanzees and humans, and outwardly, he looked like some kind of intermediate evolutionary link between monkey and homo sapiens.
A photo from open sources
Humane had a physique and a face quite similar to human, and was lightly coated with hair. He walked predominantly on hind legs and showed impressive intelligence, even for his “infant” age. One can only guess that would be this being an adult. Could it speak and express your thoughts? And become a full member society? It remains only to speculate. According to Gallup, such miracles may not happen anymore, since the probability that a representative of one species will become pregnant from a representative another, even if relatively close, is negligible. In the 1920s years to American researchers are simply unbelievable, you can even say fantastic lucky.