Americans developed a fingertip chamber for the blind

The Americans developed a fingertip chamber for the blindA photo from open sources

United States specialists developed unique and theoretically indispensable device for humanity. Americans’ new invention should allow people with problems or lack of vision to distinguish between plain text.

Scientists from the University of Massachusetts will allow anyone to read books for those who have very poor eyesight or are generally deprived of it. Before of this moment, the blind people of our planet were forced Be content with Braille editions. This is special a convex font consisting of dots, for example, it can be found on the packaging of modern medicines. Books written in font Braille, very bulky, expensive and rare, so an alternative to them should be met with a bang.

A gadget called “Finger Reader” is put on a finger, after what you need to drag your finger across the sheet of the book, the screen of the tablet or any other surface with small letters. The device is equipped video camera: it reads the text and digitally transfers it to special earphone that reads to the owner everything that is written on a real or virtual page.

At the moment, “Finger Reader” is not yet ready to be on store shelves. Prototype device looking like massive white plastic ring with a “window” for the camera and protruding into different sides of the chips, is currently being actively tested. The developers plan to make the gadget much more compact and visually invisible, and also increase its effectiveness thanks installation of additional sensors.

In the early 70s, the term “skin” vision “, which appeared thanks to Rosa Kuleshova, who knew how to see hands.

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