A photo from open sources In the last decade, electronic devices began to be produced in the world with great intensity. Despite all the benefits that mobile gadgets give us, it is also worth thinking about the harm they cause to the planet. The manufacture of electronics leads to the consumption of important natural resources, while used and no longer needed equipment turns into heavily recyclable waste.
Highly refined silicon for transistors not only high cost, but also indecomposable in nature. Hundreds of tons of this material are dumped annually. AND here scientists from the University of Wisconsin in Madison found finally, a way to help the planet. Americans reported that in the quality of raw materials for the manufacture of transistors can be used thin film substrate of nanofibrillated fiber. Given fiber is made from wood pulp which is fine decomposes. Such developments, according to the authors of the project, may lay the foundation for innovation in the field of materials science.
Cheng Young Ma – one of the leading researchers of the university – said that the fibers created by engineers have enough high performance parameters, not inferior in this regard traditional transistors made of highly purified silicon. They are completely safe for the environment and, being, say, in forest, begin to decompose under the influence of bacteria, turning into conventional fertilizer.
When will the industrial production of biodegradable transistors, not yet reported, but I want to believe that this the invention of scientists will not fall into the long box, and new material quickly will break its way.