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American biotechnology company “Bioquark” plans restore dead brain patients using stem cells cells and laser stimulation. First Resurrection Experiment scientists intend to spend twenty dead in the next six months.
In recent years, the human body is increasingly becoming an object ambitious experiments on the brink of science fiction – from gene rejuvenation before a head transplant. American researchers from Bioquark, among other things, works in the field of recovery human brain performance after clinical death. For of this they are going to apply stem cell injections and laser brain stimulation. Patients will be connected at this time to artificial life support system.
How are you going to revive a dead brain
Bioquark appeared a decade ago in Philadelphia. IN her research laboratories are currently located in Florida. Employees of the company are engaged in combining achievements in various fields of medicine, including regenerative biology and cybernetics. According to scientists, their main task is to fight with aging and disease. General Director Ira Pastor says: “We do not do magic or anything beyond of the known. An exceptionally scientific approach and nothing more. ”
Initially a unique experience called “ReAnima” (from the words “resuscitation”) were planned to be implemented last year – in India. The procedure for the experiment included the introduction of patients with a patient the brain of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells taken from connective germinal tissue, and a special protein mixture; stimulation of the brain with laser pulses; median nerve stimulation electric shock. These types of stimulation have been demonstrated. good results in restoring brain performance in patients with traumatic brain injuries.
A photo from open sources
However, in the fall of 2016, Indian officials rejected the application of Americans to conduct such experiments.
Now “Bioquark” is looking for a new place to implement its research. However, again, it targets poorer countries. – their fellow Americans as experimental for some reason I do not want to use it. Now experts will be try to get permission in some Latin state America.
Twenty patients will receive an injection of stem cells into the brain, after which they will introduce a special protein mixture – this is supposed to cause the growth of new neurons. Then the dead will spend two weeks complex laser therapy, due to which neurons must form a connection. Scientists will watch their wards, fixing any changes in their condition.
The Resurrection of the Dead
For third-party specialists, such an idea raises many questions. For example, what will the Americans do if any activity does the patient’s brain really recover? Yes and can the dead person give consent to participate in the experiment? Moreover, pinned median nerve stimulation Bioquark employees showing relatively limited results in treating people in a coma, not to mention the actual the dead. There are no guarantees so far that the result will be positive, scientists are blamed for what they are going to give relatives of patients with false hope. After all, this technique is not tested so far even on animals, and researchers already intend to deal with people.
Neurologist Arthur Kaplan and bioethic Ariana Lewis from Boston write, that the planned test is doubtful and has no scientific fundamentals, being at best ethically controversial, and at worst – frankly unethical and even criminal experiment. American biologist Ed Cooper also casts doubt on Bioquark’s intentions claiming to be a person without a functional brain stem, motor neurons pass through simply cannot be helped. Surgeon Charles Cox even considers the planned experiments “crazy, having close to zero chance of success. ”