An American with an unusual hearing imposed on herself hands

An American with unusual hearing has laid hands on herselfPhoto from open sources

On October 30th, she committed suicide in New York fifty-two-year-old Michelle Marris. A woman was found dead in her house in Manhattan. Of course, a happy person will not reduce abacus, and Marris could well enjoy life if not her rare neurological condition turning every minute American wakefulness is a real torment.

Michelle worked all her life as a historian and was even a kind of celebrity in the New York scientific community. Female was thirty years married, but the relationship with the chosen one at Marris started to go bad when she got misophonia, or selective sound sensitivity. Misophonia is neurological a disorder characterized by intolerance to various sounds. In ordinary people, such sound intolerance can to meet in a weak form – for example, if you do not like doggy barking, creaking unoiled doors or someone else’s champing at the table.

An unusual rumor caused all her misfortunes

The husband of the American woman bothered her, as a rule, just during joint meals, for which Michelle nicknamed her husband a “noisy eater.” Very soon the couple stopped having breakfast, lunch and dinner together, as the unfortunate could not bear the sounds made by her the chosen one with food. They infuriated her, and at such moments, the woman was literally ready to kill her husband. The same the whistling breath of a spouse who suffered from illness of the respiratory tract, as well as his yawning, sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose and even folding your saliva.

Needless to say, the normal family of the wife of Marris is already soon ceased to be and began to rapidly move away from each other friend. Michelle suffered a lot because she loved her husband, however, she could not physically be in the same room with him. A man who was not to blame for anything, and himself began to avoid spouse, because such a relationship became a burden to him. American assumed that her missus got a mistress because of this, and it was precisely such thoughts that might have made the unfortunate cease live.

A photo from open sources

Marris was annoyed not only by the sounds made by her husband, but also the noise of drafts in ventilation, the noise of a flushing toilet, moving people in a quiet library, chewing gum with colleagues, creaking automobile brakes and much more. Michelle even bought special industrial headphones to block all sounds from the outside and in recent months almost never parted with them, because of which They looked at the American as if they were crazy. However, the headphones are bad helped, besides, ears started to hurt about them …

Misophonia, unfortunately, is still poorly understood by specialists, in most countries of the world, including the United States, she doesn’t even considered a disease. Marris went to the doctors and worked with her psychologist, however, he achieved nothing and was forced to stop sessions, returning the patient her money.

Life time

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