A photo from open sources
In the world, sometimes the most amazing events happen. So, sixty-seven-year-old Englishman Neil Richardson, moving from the bustling London, where he was born and raised, in the calm town of Braintree, met there his exact double, although he was the only one child in the family.
After moving to a small town in Essex, Neil was first surprised how friendly the locals are. Seeing a man, many at once waved his hand and greeted him. A few days later he suspected wrong when he noticed that he was called John. Richardson He denied, claiming that his name is different, but the neighbors behaved as if he were jokingly unsuccessful.
Finally, he found out the reason for this behavior of the inhabitants of Braintree, when he visited a book exhibition in a local library and met there a man who looked exactly like him. Is it worth it to say how shocked both men were. Little of, that they had an almost identical appearance, a beard, and so did very similar clothes, including even glasses.
John Jamison said he also had no brothers. Doubles not believing in such a coincidence, donated blood for testing in a local the clinic. DNA analysis showed that men are unlikely to have in common relatives even eleven generations above. Whole city was surprised by such an amazing combination of circumstances.
Neal is only four days older than John. Both men are addicted classic European literature and cars, both in their own time educated teacher of religious studies. Everyone has it of the doubles there is a son who is fond of oriental martial arts.
Believing this is really not easy. Some will say that The matrix failed, simulating two identical people and forgetting provide them with blood ties. Well, quite possibly …
DNA doubles