15 kilometers from Gaya to the west is Ishkino village (Orenburg region). It was there, near the village in 2011 and an anomaly has appeared, which still excites the minds. A it consisted in the appearance … of a hole in the ground.
Ordinary terrain – steppe around, nearby village. The soil failed somewhere, a hole formed with a diameter of 1 meter 70 centimeters, about 8 meters deep. Can imagine how much you need to choose the soil to get such an impressive deepening.
A photo from open sources
But the soil just failed to know where! Quite a few curious people came to the hole, peered with interest into the depths, tormented by the question: why did this happen? And no no reasonable assumptions arose. What a void was in land that has absorbed so much soil, or, maybe someone took him an unknown device? There were rumors and about UFOs.
The hole was near the road. Someone from the locals fenced her dry branches, and then they began to fall asleep with earth, because on the roads it was unsafe, especially in the snow. A hole was buried last year, but they continue to talk and speculate about her.
One of the residents of Guy turned to ufologists, they asked examine the hole, go down and take soil samples. None decided to do it because the unknown frightened: suddenly a hole “comes to life”, closes the edges, destroys a person. Fell asleep. But still question: “What was it?” Photo of a hole in the steppe provided The oldest geologist Gaya Givi Saribegovich Hubaev.
A photo from open sources