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If you are offered chicken feathers instead of chicken, even as a vegetarian, you are sure to give up this dish. Give up even if you are reassured by proving that the chicken at the same time did not suffer.
However, research and development scientists in the field of dietetics and the creation of new foods, not so have long made a sensational statement: in particular the American Just boasted of creating a chicken dish without a single pieces of meat. These are the so-called nuggets – supposedly amazing yummy, as manufacturers advertise it today, created on based on chicken feathers.
Chicken waste that is only suitable for landfill, i.e. the most its coarse feathers are crushed, some food is added to them the additives and seasonings that the nuggets makers keep secret, and here’s the output – artificial chicken. As they assure themselves inventors, it’s difficult to distinguish it from real chicken, but get almost the same pleasure as from good cooked meat by everyone’s favorite bird, please …
That’s what Just Director Josh says. Tetrick:
Vegetarian nuggets go to restaurant chain US healthy diet around the end of the year. In addition, we we plan to launch production soon and such a delicacy for vegetarians, like meatless “chicken sausage”, by the way, also nothing not different in taste from made from natural bird. This technology is another contribution scientists make to food the problems that confront the world more and more sharper.
A photo from open sources
It’s hard to say how they reacted to this innovation. American patriots (a miracle was created in America), but Russian-speaking Internet segment felt that nothing new nutritionists company “Just” didn’t come up with, it just seems to have been to exchange experiences in Russia or Ukraine, where food manufacturers have long been fed common people with anything but meat, not sausage, not milk, not cheese, although on the shelves of grocery stores are goods with the name of the products listed, and naive buyers They assure that it is tasty and healthy food.
For example, Ukrainian specialists of Sumy Agrarian University even managed to create artificial fat based gelatin and vegetable oil (most likely technical palm). And therefore there is nothing surprising in the discovery, they say, there are no American food wise men. Moreover, all the conversations around this “invention” for some reason come down mainly to taste the virtues of vegetarian nuggets, and only in passing (in the form of names and targeting of narrowly targeted consumers) mentioned (hinted) that their usefulness is in the absence of meat. And why Harmfulness due to the presence of all kinds of chemistry is kept silent? Indeed, neither a word nor a word about it, since all covered with an impenetrable “secret” of unique technology …
A photo from open sources
Does this not remind you of a Russian fairy tale about porridge from an ax? FROM the small difference is that in this case they’re not adding to the “ax” cereals and not butter, and does not act as a deceiver good-natured, resourceful soldier, and most importantly – deception is not carried out as a punishment for human greed and far from everyday level …
Birds Russia