And thatched houses will replace stone …

And thatched houses will replace stone ones ...A photo from open sources

Modcell company together with specialists from Bata University began selling modern Bristol (UK) environmentally friendly thatched houses. They are built from hollow wooden blocks filled with straw.

The first nine straw houses are set in the Shirhampton area. next to stone buildings, with unique buildings significantly cheaper than traditional, and therefore the British have already shown to them increased interest. As the creators of thatched houses assure them the brainchild is not only cheap in itself, it is also super-economical in content plan, for example, the consumption of heat and electricity energy in it will be reduced by approximately eighty to ninety percent compared to the stone structure. Fiction, and more!

An independent examination concluded that the straw blocks did not only keep heat perfectly (such a house doesn’t need any heating), but also, treated with a special composition, are not affected burning, rotting and biodegradation. Moreover, such structures are strong, light (do not require, for example, powerful foundations), and quite durable (so far only by estimated data).

Given that in Foggy Albion a wheat crop can produce up to four million tons of straw, then a year, it turns out, you can to build almost half a million so fabulously warm and cheap in all relations of thatched houses.

But the straw remains in huge quantities after the harvest cereals not only in England! So maybe the future belongs to the straw houses? Or behind the houses printed on the printer?

A photo from open sources

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