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Yesterday another flash on the Sun was recorded, however, its strength ten times weaker than the one that happened on September 6, and therefore a new solar explosion assigned an index – M8.1. This was reported NASA press service.
The second outbreak occurred in the same place of the luminary, where the first, and from the beginning of the week – this is the sixth outburst of the coronal mass. Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Lebedev Physical Institute (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences) specified that the speed a plasma cloud generally ejected by our star over the last time, turned out to be much higher than the researchers expected. Therefore, a blow to our blue planet also turned out significantly more powerful than scientists predicted.
A photo from open sources
However, you shouldn’t be scared yet, for example, even the X9.3 flash, which occurred on September 6, in its capacity is three times inferior record X28, which blazed in the sun in November 2003. Then there have been and worse, but someone remembers that November “sunny tragedy “?
However, if you delve deeper into history, the most dangerous an event of this kind occurred in 1859, called Carrington. Geophysicists classify it today by power approximately on the X100 index. Then the British astronomer Richard Carrington was among the first to spot unusual spots on The sun, which ultimately gave rise to the most powerful solar flare, recorded in the history of the modern world.
As documentary evidence of that time, through seventeen hours after the coronal mass ejection, night over many regions of the Earth turned into a day, it became so light from raspberry flashes of the northern lights. Telegraph has stopped working, from sparks rained down …
By the way, NASA experts have long prophesied the second to us. Carrington tragedy, and, in their opinion, it can be even stronger, why the impact on the electromagnetic field of the Earth will be so powerful that all electrical networks will fly – and ours the planet will plunge into the terrible darkness of Egypt … In the century before last mankind can be said to be very lucky, because it’s on that moment has not reached too high a technical level of development. A telegraph that has failed is, in general, a trifle …
A photo from open sources
However, the Carrington solar flare, as it turned out, is not the limit for our luminary. As the Japanese professor Fusa proved Miyake (Fusa Miyyak), studying sections of ancient trees of Europe, in The Middle Ages (c. 775) most likely occurred a stronger solar tragedy – a mega-flash with power like at least X2000. This is evidenced by the radioactive isotope of carbon-14 in wood, the content of which increased 20 times that year.
According to NASA astrophysicist Stephen Drake (Stefan Drake), studying stellar flares in the DG CVn system in our Galaxy from time to time, coronal mass ejections of up to X100000, carrying apocalypse to their planets. Our sun is nothing different from other luminaries, and therefore we are not at all immune from such disasters …
NASA Time Aurora Sun