Antibiotics slow down the aging process

Antibiotics slow down the aging processA photo from open sources

Scientists from the Lausanne Federal Polytechnic School discovered a group of genes that have a significant effect on life expectancy, and this process can be controlled with using available drugs, in particular antibiotics. Swiss scientists were the first to discover the mechanism acting inside the mitochondria and significantly slowing down the aging process, at least in laboratories and on model organisms – worms, nematodes and mice. It turns out that the introduction of antibiotics to young individuals can significantly extend the life of animals, and possibly humans.

Why in a homogeneous population of the same species, some do people live three times longer than others? This question posed in The impasse of scientists for centuries. Swiss scientists believe that you found the answer to it. A mechanism is disclosed whose violation with using antibiotics increases the nematode’s lifespan 1.6 times. Apparently, the same mechanism adds to mice (usually living 365-900 days) an additional 250 days of life.

The mechanism works inside the mitochondria, organelles, which convert nutrients into proteins and ATP used in as an energy source for muscles. Scientists have analyzed the genome mice with different lifespan and found a group of three genes located on chromosome number two, which is still not was seen as a target for finding important aging factors. However, measurements showed: a 50% reduction in the expression of these three genes, and therefore the amount of protein that they encode, adds 250 “extra” days of life to mice.

Then the scientists tested their discovery on nematodes: reduction the production of the same proteins also extended life: by 60% (from conventional 19 to more than 30 days). In general, the study found that the presence of mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRP) back in proportion to life expectancy. Reduce the number of these proteins can be using available drugs, for example, antibiotics. Unfortunately, you can extend your life in this way. only to young individuals: similar therapy to adults is not valid.

The discovery of Swiss scientists promises brilliant prospects in life extension plan. The new mechanism is simple and not only increases life time, but also allows a long time to maintain health. So, the nematodes that were treated were in excellent form much longer than their brothers and possessed increased stamina and muscle strength.

Scientists believe that the mechanism they discovered works in other mammals, including humans. True to create appropriate therapy that prolongs a healthy life is required very complex and lengthy research. Firstly, therapy must be carried out in a strictly specific period of development of the young organism, and this period for people has not yet been determined, and secondly, to get the results of human therapy Collect life-long statistics from experimental subjects. But most likely willing to take part in such an experiment will be enough.

Life time

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