Probably the three days of darkness that the seers speak of will be the worst disaster for the whole world. What threatens all of humanity? And how to escape from this terrible misfortune? how cosmic gases are known to be composed mainly of hydrogen as well oxygen, helium and nitrogen. Currently found in space about 20 types of simplest organic matter, clouds of ethyl alcohol, methane, etc. In addition, in gas nebulae there are dozens of different substances that are useful for you can’t name health. In outer space and comet tails the presence of various cyanides – hydrogen cyanide, cyanradicals, cyanoacetylene. Cyanide presence detected potassium, which is the strongest poison of a choking effect. Potassium cyanide instantly causes respiratory paralysis. A photo from open sources When this substance enters the atmosphere Earth from a gas-dust cloud of a star and exceeding MAC (maximum permissible concentration – 0.0003 ml / l), the consequences will be the most deplorable. What substance gets into the atmosphere of our planet, unknown, but all seers unanimously advise tightly (hermetically) close all windows and doors and do not leave the house. Vision of Johann Fried (1204-1257), Austrian monk the Order of St. John Johann mentions an unusual cosmic the cloud, which in its form will resemble the Bear: “Nebula Big Bear will appear in close proximity to the Earth and fill the space on the horizon of five hundred suns (probably I mean the angular dimensions of the gas and dust nebula at night sky). It will block more and more in a few days sunlight. At night, not the moon will shine, but the constellation Orion, which from the light of Jupiter will emit rays and send it to Big Bear. This constellation will illuminate the nebula with its rays. ” Three days of darkness: “By this time, humanity will suffer from terror. Birds will be like reptiles and will not use their wings. Terrestrial animals in fear and anxiety will make such a noise, that he will make human hearts tremble. People will run to their dwellings so as not to see strange phenomena. And finally installed complete darkness, which will last three days and three nights. IN during this time, people deprived of light will fall sleepy a condition from which many will not leave. Especially those who do not sparks of spiritual life. When the sun rises again, the earth will be covered with a layer of ash, like snow in winter. Besides that the ashes will have the color of sulfur, moist fog will rise above the ground, consisting of volcanic gases. There will be more dead people than dead in all wars. In the cloisters of priests they will read a book “Apocalypse” (John the Theologian – Approx. Author.), The churches will wait for the comet to come. On the seventh day after returning light, the earth absorbs the ashes and there will be abundant crops that were not never before. “From the constellation Orion, a ray of light will fall on Earth, to show the way to the location of the greatest and most an outstanding person who has ever lived on Earth. Survivors in This world will proclaim its ancient teachings. And will be The Millennium declared by the Messiah in the light of true brotherly love – to the glory of the Creator and the happiness of all mankind. “Italian peasant woman Maria Taiji (1769-1857), whom in 1835, a vision of Jesus Christ appeared to the press, told the world: God will arrange two punishments for people living on earth, one in the form of wars, revolutions and other disasters, another will be sent from heaven. I I see complete darkness above the earth, which will last three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible, and the air will exude a world ulcer, which will take away almost all and not only enemies of religion. During these three days, artificial light will not be possible to ignite. Only the sacred candles will shine and give light. During this disaster believers must stay in their homes and pray. The one who out of curiosity, open its windows or leave the house, fall dead in place. During this calamity, many of the wicked people the enemies of His Church, as well as their God, will be killed by the divine scourge. Their corpses in the vicinity of Rome will be as numerous as fish, which after the recent flood of the Tiber was in the city. All secret and overt enemies of the church will perish throughout the world during this general darkness, except for a small part, which will be believed in Of God. The air will be saturated with demons that will appear in all kinds of disgusting forms. “A fragment of prophecy, which was found in the archives of a German aristocratic family Passau (19th century): “Winter will come, and darkness will cover everything around on three days, thunders will rattle, lightnings will flash, and the earth will begin crack…. Fatal breathing will fill the night haze of poisonous dust. Bubonic plague, a fierce battle between people … ” The prediction of Franz Kugelber. He saw the events of the future in a dream, as well as awake, like color pictures of a movie. Visions of the future are recorded by Pastor Ellerhorst in 1922. “Three days and three nights long darkness. It will begin after a terrible thunder or earthquakes. No fire is burning. You can neither eat nor sleep, but just praying. Only holy candles will burn. The one who looks out with curiosity from the window, will meet with death. Lightning penetrates the houses, you can hear the terrible curses of the devils. Earthquakes, thunders, sea noise. One part of the people will call Virgin Mary and Christ, while others will curse. In vain they beg for their life extension. Sulfur fumes and stink will fill air, like hell on earth. A cross appears in the sky. it the end of darkness, the earth is a field of corpses, like a desert. People quiet and frightened come out of their houses. Corpses are collected in vans and they are buried in mass graves. Neither railways nor ships function, not machines, as in earlier times. Factories not They work because there are no people to service the machines. Fast the rhythm of old times has stopped. The remaining people are like saints. God invites new priests like Christ his apostles can hear the praise of God and the songs of the saints. Earth is paradise. Liturgy celebrated simply as in the days of the apostles. Common Communion. The prophet hears some parts of the prayer in German and also words of sanctification. In the evening, a thanksgiving service takes place. Angels will help people in advice and action – as needed. People pray for 8 days more than before in one year. At the sound the bells all leave work and rush to the church. Abandoned goods will be redistributed among the surviving people. IN the great migration of people people will rush to where they necessary. Mountain administrative areas with alpine meadows will be used as communities. People descend from the mountains to the plains where labor is not so hard … “. Maria Julia Jahanet (1850-1900) born in a small village near the city of Blaine (in the south parts of Brittany, France). In March 1891, Mary predicted “three Day of Darkness “and other disasters that all will face to humanity: “Three days of darkness will be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In Day of the Holy Sacrament, the Cross and the Virgin … Three days less one night. “” There will be three days of darkness all over the world. For three days of light there will not be, and continuous night will come. Everyone should light candles. One candle will burn for three days. Lightnings will fall into these houses, but they do not put out the light of candles. No wind, no storm, no earthquake destroy the burning candles. But in the homes of the godless, and those who are not found God, through all this there will be suffering … Red clouds, like blood will float in the sky. The sky will crack and thunder will shake the Earth. Incredible lightning strikes that no one has ever seen will astound cities. The earth will shake to the ground. Foamy water of the oceans will roll to the shores. And the whole Earth will become a cemetery. Then start great hunger. All vegetation will be destroyed and three will die quarter of humanity. “French nun Maria de Faudais predicted this cataclysm back in 1819: “At that time three days of continuous darkness will come. In this terrible darkness only candles that are blessed will burn. One candle will be burn for three days, but in the house of the wicked they will not shine. IN during these three days demons will appear in the most terrible forms and terrible sacrilege will sound. Air will do sickening. Flashes of rays will fall on the streets of cities at this strange time of the year. Earth will roll over and wrap itself in foamy waves the seas. Truly, our planet will become one huge cemetery. The corpses of the wicked, as well as the righteous, will cover the soil. Hunger, that follows will be enormous. All vegetation the globe will be destroyed and three quarters will also die of humanity. The catastrophe will come suddenly and the calamity will be worldwide. “Mary mentions the displacement of the axis of rotation of our planets: “The earth will turn over and be enveloped in the foamy waves of the seas.” Saint Giovanni Rotondo, monk of the Order of the Capuchins (1918-1968). September 5, 1918 during a prayer before the crucifixion of Christ with him there were stigmata on the side, feet and hands. He claimed that 15 January 1957, he received a message from the Lord Jesus Christ about coming: “I will come to this globe overloaded with sin howling thunders. I will come on a frosty winter night. Rapidly growing winds portend a great confusion on earth that will tremble from strong shocks. Lightning and thunderstorms from fire clouds will kindle and ashes everything that had a connection with sin and everything that somehow came into contact with him. All this will be destroyed. Air will be oversaturated with steaming gases. Asphyxiating smoke and gusts of wind they will sweep away and destroy everything. Beautiful buildings will turn into ruin. The hour of My coming is near. Before coming will be Mercy and at the same time hard and terrible punishment. My angels those assigned to complete this mission will be armed with swords. Their attention will primarily be directed against those who do not believes and grins at the message of God. From the clouds will appear many falling jets of fire throughout the Earth. Inclement storms thunderstorms, floods, earthquakes will occur in different countries, one after another. Without tire, it will rain fire. it will start on a very frosty night. It will be above all proof of the existence of God. To get you ready for this, I will give you signs: the night will be very frosty, there will be a noisy wind, and after a while, hear the thunders. Then close the doors and windows Do not talk to anyone other than those in the house. During the time when an earthquake begins, do not look outside, for the wrath of My Father worth respect. He who does not hear this advice will die instantly, because his heart cannot bear this sight. On the third night the fire will cease, earthquakes will cease, and the next day the sun will shine. In human form, they will descend to earth Angels will bring with them the spirit of peace. The Kara that will descend is not can compare with any other that God allowed from the beginning creation of the world. A third of people will die. That short time should be used diligently, not succumb to evil, nor yield to it. Your task and responsibility will be an indication of the impending danger, then there will be no excuses, do not say that you are talking about it did not know. The sky waits for a long time and warns, but people neglect this. “Pope Pius X about the days of darkness to come. In the world – Giuseppe Sarto Melchiorre (1835 – 1914) was born in Riesa, in the province of Treviso in Venice. In 1850, he received a scholarship to the seminary of Padua, where he received a theological education. In 1858 he was ordained and became a chaplain. In November 1884, he was appointed bishop. Mantua His parents were Giovanni Battista Sarto and his mother Margarits (nee Sanson). Elected by the Pope in 1903 Prediction: “Look at the Sun, the Moon and the stars in the sky. When they will be overly disturbed and volatile, know that this day not far away! God’s judgment is like a bolt of lightning! Hurricanes of fire will pour out of the clouds and spread throughout the earth. Storm inclement weather, lightning and earthquakes will sweep the Earth in two days. A continuous rain of fire will pour! It will start in a very cold night … This catastrophe will come to earth, like a flash of lightning. IN at some point the light of the morning sun will be replaced by black darkness! No one should leave the house or look out the window from this Moment “. Padre Pio (1887-1968), Priest of the Capuchin Order, who has had stigmata on his body for 50 years. Predicted many events of the future. Sainted June 16, 2002 of the year. The prediction of the three days of darkness: “Hold your windows well closed. Do not go out. Light the blessed candle that will be enough for many days. Pray with a rosary. Read spiritual books. Perform the act of spiritual communication, as well as love for neighbor. Pray with arms outstretched or prostrate to the ground to many souls could be saved. Do not be outside the house. Provide yourself with enough food. The forces of nature will be rampage and rain from the fire will make people tremble with fear. Have fearlessness. I am among you “(January 28, 1950). “Take care of animals these days. I am the keeper of animals, as well as man. I will give you some signs in advance, after which you should place as much feed in front of them as possible. I I will preserve the property of the elect, including animals, since then they will need food. Let no one go through the courtyard to feed the animals. Who goes outside will die. Close your windows carefully. My chosen ones will not see My anger. Have confidence in Me and I will be a defense. Hurricanes of fire will erupt from the clouds and spread throughout the earth. Thunderstorms, bad weather, lightning and earthquakes will shake the earth for two days. Will go continuous rain from the fire. It will start during a very cold nights. All this to prove that God is. Those who hope in me, and believes in my words, there is nothing to fear. Because I will not leave them, nor those who spread My message. No harm will come to those who are in a state of grace and seek protection Our Lady. You can prepare for this test. I will give you The following signs and directions: the night will be very cold, the wind will roar. After the lightning strike is heard, close all windows and doors. Do not talk to anyone outside the house. Kneel before crucifixion, regret your sins and ask for the protection of Our Lady. Do not peek out windows during earthquakes because it is the wrath of the holy God. Jesus doesn’t want that we contemplate the wrath of God, because His wrath needs to be considered with fear and trepidation. Those who neglect my advice will die instantly. The wind will contain poisonous gas, which spread throughout the earth. Those who suffer and die innocently will be with me in my kingdom. Satan will triumph! But after three earthquakes and fires will cease. The next day the sun will shine again, angels will descend from heaven and will spread the spirit of peace on earth. With a sense of immeasurable gratitude will be taken into their possession by those who survived this terrible trial, the most formidable punishment that God sent to Earth with the moment of its creation. I chose souls in other countries, such as Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, who received these revelations to other countries could also prepare. Pray pray it’s good that your prayers can reach heaven. Scary soon disaster will come to the whole world, which no one has witnessed, and no one else experienced. How indifferent people are to these troubles that will come soon, contrary to all expectations. How indifferent they prepare for these unheard of events through which they must will pass soon. The severity of divine anger has reached Of the earth. The fury of my Father will pour over the whole world. I again I warn the world through your assistance, as I often did before time. This catastrophe will come to Earth, like a flash of lightning. IN at some point the light of the morning sun will be replaced by black darkness! FROM no one has the right to leave home or watch from window. I will come to you in the midst of thunder and lightning. Sinners will see mine divine appearance. Then there will be great confusion because of this. absolute darkness that will envelop the whole Earth and many, many will die from fear and despair … Again and again I warn people and give them opportunity to get back on the right track. But now evil has culminated and punishment cannot be delayed. Tell everyone that the time has come to fulfill the retribution “(February 7th 1950). Elena Ayello (1895-1961) was born on April 10, 1895 years in Montalto (Italy). At the age of 25, she became a nun. At Helena repeatedly appeared stigmata on the body. Because of these unusual phenomena, the people nicknamed her “Holy.” Received from Jesus and Our Lady have many revelations, including some forecasts regarding the future fate of the Church and the whole world. The prophecy of the three days of darkness: “When a big one appears in heaven sign, people know, that the punishment of the world is inevitable. The fire will come and He will cleanse the earth from the wicked … fire will fall upon mankind, blood, disease, famine, earthquakes, shipwrecks and wars. Some nations will be cleansed, while others will be completely will disappear. Italy will be punished and cleansed by a great revolution. it destroy everything that was done by man. Luminous cloud of fire will appear in the sky, a flurry of fire will reach the world. A terrible disaster that has never been seen in human history will last seventy hours. The wicked will be in the dust, and many will suffer for your sins. Then you will see the power of light over the power of darkness. “” Will the worst punishment ever seen in human stories. When an unusual sign appears in the sky, then people learn that the punishment of the world will follow. I want you to know, disasters are near. The fire will descend to the ground and most humanity will be destroyed … to the one who remains under my protection, the mercy of God, and those who do not want to repent of their sins, will perish in a sea of fire! … Russia will be almost completely burned. Other countries will disappear. Only part of Italy will survive … “.” … if people will not return to God, there will be a great war of terror and death, and, finally, the cleansing fire will fall from the sky like snowflakes on all nations and most of humanity will be destroyed. “Abbot Bartholomew in the book “De Vermis Mysteriis”, 1932 edition, This is the story of the appearance of an unusual star near our planet: “Like drops of poison on the teeth of a viper, news of what will be soon.” When a star shines on a vault of heaven that has not been seen before, strong winds will rise and there will be great excitement at sea. And among the nights will see the light, but it will not shine for long, for after it will come impenetrable darkness, and the moon will become like an emerald covered with cadavers stained. Ancient manuscripts claim that from the moon to the earth many creatures descend and will devour the fetus in the womb of the mothers. Ancient temples buried at the bottom of the sea will also rise from the waters, and women who entered the water will carry abysses from the inhabitants and will give birth from them. Great sorcerers buried in the sea will come to shore to conquer and kill mortals, and mock them. Srinammu Akeren mentions Great Jellyfish from the Southern Ice and bloody radiance in the sky. Perhaps the whole earth has to cover high forests and swamps and monstrous creatures, extinct long ago, horror the past centuries, having risen, will roam it. People have to to disappear from the face of the earth or become cattle without thought. ”
Photos from open sources Next, Abbot Bartholomew leads ominous signs of impending cataclysms: “Here are their signs proximity: when the sky turns blood red and from the depths unknown voices are heard; When stones and rocks begin to rot, spreading stench, and foggy rings are visible around the sun, and the lunar disk in color resembles decaying flesh, Then they come, and bring to the earth a horror that was not and is not will be, for he is timeless. Horror that has no name. And it will be done revenge. The Great Worm, tearing the Cocoon shell, will come out, to devour the stars of heaven. And the Ancients will arise. Misty rings at least three around the sun, and the moon seems to be engulfed blue fire. Stones and rocks rot, exuding stench. From the bowels of the earth voices shouting terrifying calls. Pillars of Bright white light descending from heaven or rising from the ground. The letters of the cursed scriptures appear through the sacrificial blood, spilled on them. Swirling smoke comes out of the crevices, killing everything living. Also the whirlwinds that below are thinner than hair and above are huge, and hide half the sky. Wriggling, they rush with speed bareback horses. Clouds rapidly approaching on either side of the line, looking like a straight line and then disappearing behind it. “Bavarian dowser Alois Irlmeyer, originally from Freilasing (Bavaria), describes in detail the future battles of the Third World a war that will begin after cataclysms caused by a terrible a star. He watched visions of the future, as in a movie. Predicted own death in July 1957. Shortly before his passing Irlmeyer said: “I’m glad I live now because I don’t will have to experience what I see. “His predictions mention and about the three days of darkness: “I see three lines – maybe 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months – I don’t know for sure, but it will not last long. The islands will sink because the sea will rebel. I see big holes on sea that will fill when big waves come back. A beautiful city located near the sea will almost completely drown in sea in mud and sand. Other countries located by the sea will be in great danger, the sea will be troubled, and the waves as tall as a house, they will foam, as if something is being cooked underground. The islands will disappear, and the climate will change. January will be so warm that mosquitoes will dance. Maybe it will be transition to a different climate zone. Then there will be no normal winters as we know now. Darkness will come will last 72 hours. During the day it will be dark, hail will fall, there will be lightning and thunder, earthquakes will make the planet twitch. In it time do not leave the house, burn only candles. Who will inhale dust, he will cramp and die. Darken windows and do not open them. Water and food that are not tightly closed will become infected, as well as the one that will be stored in glassware. Everywhere death, provoked by dust, many people will die. In 72 hours it’s all over, but I repeat: do not leave the house, only burn candles and pray. More people will die that night than in the two worlds wars. Do not open windows for 72 hours. In the rivers it will be like that there is little water that can easily be crossed. Cattle will die, the grass will turn yellow and dry, human corpses will be turn black or yellow. Then the wind will direct the clouds at east. “The famous Grigory Rasputin about three days of darkness: “For three days the sun will disappear from heaven and for thirty days the fog from smoke and pain will cover the earth with a gray veil. Man will be like mad dog, scampering through this sea of suffering, his life will become agony and his only hope will be death … In these times woe connect with a person and despair will be born from their union, such despair like never before on earth. And in these times even the seasons will change and the rose will bloom in December and in June it will be snowing. “Egor Kukhlin, a hermit, lived on the shore Yenisei, on the border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Tuva ACCR. Starover warns of a calamity that will appear from heaven: “… darkness will come with the sky, shrouded in smoke and fire, darkness will come out of the womb of the earth demonic, and when they go towards each other, there will be no living neither strong nor weak, nor poor nor rich, nor a free bird nor beast in a cage. “Such a terrible invasion by Yegor Kukhlin predicts when “the sun closes with three moons and the earth comes cold and darkness for as much as three hours. “Famous American fortune teller Gene Dixon (1918-1997), said that in the next century global catastrophes will begin on earth, after which they will begin war. Many seer’s predictions have already been fulfilled. She mentions and about the three days of darkness: “Where there is water now, there will be earth, and where the earth today, violent currents pouring there in swirls, sweeping away everything our way “;” We will all be eyewitnesses of the shadow of the cross, trembling earth and three days of darkness. “The Apparition of the Virgin Mary to the 55-year-old Spaniard Amparo Cuevas (1980). Virgo said: “A great punishment will come soon for humanity, which no one has yet seen. Dad will be tortured a, the church will collapse. St. Peter and St. Paul intervene to elect new dad. God the Father will send two terrible punishments. One of them: revolution, drought, famine, disease. God will allow Satan to sow discord between rulers, in society and in the family. Other punishment will come from heaven, a devastating earthquake in various countries and absolute darkness for three days. Nothing is will be visible these days when the air will be harmful and ignite only blessed candles. You have to stay home, pray and to ask for God’s mercy. Punishment will begin when the star converges with Earth, and big clouds will fall that will burn the earth. You will hear deafening organ noise, and many homes will fly through the air. IN during the three days of darkness, the Lord will send a team of angels. All enemies Him and the Church are dead, all sinful people will perish, except for those which will appeal in the last minutes. Punishment will destroy two thirds humanity, and the earth will be like a desert. Punishment warning will appear in the sky for all to see. A star, the earth is burning, throughout apparently, the world on fire will burn in 20 minutes. Many will die of grief, but those with God and the Virgin will be delighted. After warning and before the punishment will be a miracle. Virgo told Amparo: “Humanity refuses to listen to our messages and warnings that appear in many places. He does not believe in them that the world is given a prophecy of disaster, people closed their ears … “. Prediction Mexican Franciscan monk David Lopez (1987) about three the days of darkness that come when red appears in the sky cross, probably a neutron star: “First of all, Our Lady urged not to worry about all those who internally ask for salvation and who lives according to the commands of the Mother of God. About these coming events they will be warned from the inside of their heart for 3 – 7 days before it all starts. She encouraged and encouraged also those who struggle with their grave sins, those who have not given up and continues to fight. The Lord takes into account their diligence. Three days adherents of any religion, as well as people not belonging to no concession, if only their conscience would be pure, and if they received God in the sanctuary of their heart. Shortly before these events a cross of red will be visible in the blue sky colors. All people will see it. There will also be several martyrs, directly chosen by God, whom they will kill, but their souls are angels immediately ascend to heaven. For three days of darkness, which will last 72 hours, time can only be counted by a mechanical watch and it will be so dark that people will not be able to see even his hands before his eyes. There won’t be a single demon these days who would remain in hell, since they will all be on Earth. Those people, who do not have clarity in their hearts and mercy will see demons and will die of horror. Hardest to survive three days of darkness will be lonely to people, as demons will call them with the voices of loved ones and loved ones people. Therefore, it should be remembered that these will not be your loved ones, but devils, and therefore in no case can you open the door and leave your home, as there is a chance of getting into the claws the devil. Doors and windows of the house should be tightly closed and all close should be together if possible. Need to learn sincerely pray now and teach this to your children, as prayer children these days will have miraculous power. The main thing is that what needs to be done is to renounce your sins and live trusting in mercy of the Lord. Pray, read the Bible and partake of the sacrament! Consecrate your dwellings, and let the icon of the Heart of Jesus always burn a lamp or a candle – this and your other things will help you to be in a state of clear heart. God wants people to return to Him voluntarily, not out of fear of punishment, otherwise man will be lost. Anyone who does not know needs to be told about these especially important things: about sin, about deadly sin, about repentance and forgiveness of sins. People must learn to accept death as such, what it is: they need to know that after death there is a court, and then hell, paradise or purgatory, depending on the person’s life. Priests, pastors and priests need to prepare not only themselves, but also his entire community. They need to be the main interpreters. mentioned upcoming events and explain what will happen. They are will have to help people return to God and begin life filled with cleanliness. Their task is to convey the news of the three days of darkness as possible more spiritual people, because about upcoming events many holy people have been notified, and therefore no time should be wasted. Pastors must teach that money, fame, things and work are not values to worry about and put them first a place. They must teach people to turn to the Holy Spirit and pray. Him. “The Apparition of Our Lady from August 28, 1988 to 1990 sixteen year old Patricia Talbot (Cuenca, Ecuador): “17 March 1989, the Mother of God said: “The times of tribulation have begun. Sorrow for your faith, but trouble will come later than the days of darkness. Darkness faith, but true darkness will come after … ”
Photo from open sources on May 18, 1989 Mother said: “When there will be three days of darkness you should not leave your homes so you constantly prayed, because at that time there would be no false prophets, who are trying to trick you. You will recognize them, because they have the right hand is the number of the beast. “On May 19, the Heavenly Mother announced:” This the time is near. Until the days of these events there will be signs in heaven and on The sun … Then the kingdom of God and its justice will come. Will begin earthquakes, hurricanes, rain of fire will fall from the sky. All this will be from The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In those days, people will be destroyed by their nuclear objects that you created for your own destruction. You do not know, they feel pain, warn about natural disasters that are created by man. You are in one step … “. The prophecy of the American clairvoyant Veronica Lucen about the three days of darkness: “I tell you how night follows day, great darkness will descend on humanity. When is the warning which will descend from heaven will not be in doubt, those who sold himself to Satan, they will see it, but they will not believe it “(September 28 1973). “… I see people holding onto chairs in their houses. Everything is swinging. The very foundation of the houses sways. All of them scared. Many of them run out into the street. Others close windows … but they don’t go outside. They should not go out. I I see a big fog covering the sky – a huge fog … It consists from falling dust. People who are outside, as if petrified. Something with happens to them. They swing like drunk. Now the ones I follow watching, two of them fell. They fell, but try to get up. They are fall face down and no longer move. Now I see this darkness – a large, huge cloud of fog. And then I see the hazy darkness The moon. And now there is no moon, no light. The moon is absolutely closed. I do not I see her. “Vision 07.07. 73.” Now I see … it seems that it gets very dark. When it gets dark, they clutch their hands throat. They fall face down. I see the faces of people looking out of windows. People scatter in different directions. They don’t seem to know where. to run. I see closed doors and people are knocking on them. Doors closed … And I see people lying outside the doors. They seem are falling. Somewhere in the air there is something that takes their breath away because there are windows, but they grab onto them and close their eyes. Oh they can’t watch. The sky is very red with dust. There is very big explosion. An explosion is almost like a bomb … it’s a spinning fireball approaching the globe. Behind a long tail. It is gas. I I know that it’s gas because I smell a terrible smell. Smell such (Veronica coughs). “” The last days of our era are coming. TO the earth will approach a ball of fire, similar to the sun. Everyone will see him in heaven for two weeks. Then come three days of darkness. Before this there will be an explosion in the Sun, and the sky will turn pink … In Asia and Africa will start a war. People will be in a panic. Those who are still will remain alive, will run around the streets like crazy. Smoke and dust will close everything. And some voice repeats to me: three days … three days … three days … “. From the book” Star of the Apocalypse. “From “Centerpolygraph”, 2012
Angels War Water Time Gregory Rasputin Life Earthquake Italy Stones End of the World Moon Bears Islands Birds Fires Snow The sun