Arches of Tiaunaco – a portal to other worlds?

A photo from open sources

The eternal City. That is how its ancient name sounded – Vinyamayrka, the Eternal City. Located on the Bolivian Plateau 21 kilometers south of the largest of the highest mountain lakes in the world, Titicaca, Tiahuanaco is located at an altitude of almost four thousand meters. Around it is a rocky plateau, where, according to apt According to one of the travelers, a normal day goes by four seasons – spring – in the morning, at noon – summer, in the evening – autumn, and winter reigns at night …

It is one of America’s greatest ancient cities and one of the most unsolved mysteries of mankind. Of hundreds of legends and dozens years of searching for scientists did not work out a “normal story”, explaining his mysterious fate.

Scientists are still arguing about who were its founders – not only Quechua or Aymara are named among them, but rulers of the not found legendary megalithic empire …

The most fantastic hypotheses and names are associated with this city – so some fanatical Europeans who visited it in the 16-17th centuries, claimed that they saw with their own eyes the traces of the biblical Adam and Eve. Others said that this city was once built by the blonde, mighty Vikings, whose dragrakars more than once approached the shores of North and South America …. And there were those who preferred the tiahuanaco construction version to the valiant Knights Templar who left Europe due to Christian greed sovereigns and pre-built themselves a refuge in the New World …

Tiahuanaco was considered their territory, one of the ancestral homelands of the Aryan race, the leaders of the German Third Reich. This is where they are in the thirties years and sent their secret expedition in which scientists from a mysterious classified project (and a whole system of institutions) Annanerbe, who was personally supervised by the head of the SS Heinrich Himmler …

Theories later arose that claimed that Tiahuanaco was once built by aliens and served as a base for them, hotels, places for contact with dedicated earthlings … No matter how this and many other hypotheses were attractive, their evidence there is no correctness yet …

Little is known about this city. Unlike Chawan or Inca Empire, Tiaunaco was not a whole state, but only a separate the city. Many scientists are sure that this was not even a city with hundreds of inhabitants, and “only” a place of pilgrimage, a ritual center where thousands of pilgrims flocked once a year left and never again returned to their shrines …. Like them God died or went to another place …

This explains one surprising feature of this. of the ancient city – the residential buildings themselves were not found in it, as if people didn’t live in it at all … But it amazes with its scope and unusual temple complex, coexisting of four main buildings towering on a site approximately equal to a small modern stadium – 500 by 1000 meters.

The first of these buildings – Akanapa, is fifteen-meter multi-stage pyramid with a base length of 230 meters. It even had a special pool for storing water, so that the pyramid could even serve if necessary fortress …

Towering next to the building – Kalasaya – is wide platform raised three meters above the ground, area about 1300 sq. meters and fenced next to a tetrahedral stone columns. It is here that the world-famous Gate is located The suns whose photographs now adorn many books, calendars and posters …

This huge gate, weighing hundreds of tons, is carved from gigantic stone andesite blocks reaching three meters in height !!! The upper part of the gate is decorated with intricate relief in the center which is a large human figure from whose head the sun’s rays diverge, ending in the image of a puma.

This figure, according to modern scholars, was an image Supreme God Tiahuanaco, who could be the great and omniscient Kon Tiki Viracocha, creator god of the world …. On his robe you can make out images of cougars, condor birds and fish …

On both sides of the image of the main deity are located 48 similar to each other images of a “human condor” that many are called “crying birds.”

In this ancient city, another mysterious gate rises – Puma Punku, the “Puma Gate” built from giant stone blocks weighing more than 150 tons.

What rituals were carried out around them? Many famous modern parapsychologists, mediums and psychics are sure that these two great gates – arch doors to other worlds and times built once by ancient wizards. Like the Egyptian pyramids and the British Stonehenge …

In this city, huge stone monuments rise which later “conditionally” called not too suitable for the ancient pagan America – “Monk”, “Bishop”, as well as the largest stone statues of pre-Columbian America, even larger than Mysterious giant stone heads of olmcs.

They were named after the scientists who first described them – Monolith Bennett (seven-plus meters in height, on an almost rectangular the head of the statue is something like a crown, and from the eyes “as if” flow tears) and the Monolith of Ponce Sanhines …

One of the mysteries of Tiahuanaco is itself far from simple. the possibility of its construction – to even just deliver giant blocks from a quarry, the closest of which is on six kilometers away, the efforts of thousands of people are needed. And by itself construction was supposed to take decades at best. Where the builders lived all this time and how they managed to kindle such giant buildings without special construction equipment? After all even now it would not be an easy task …

Another riddle – where did its builders go? After all Tiahuanaco is essentially a “new” name given by the Incas and it means – “Dead City”. After all, in the days when I visited it the first Great Inca (centuries ago !!!), the city was a long time ago extinct …

With the help of modern science, only a few have become known to us. dates – 3-10 century AD, the time of the heyday of the city. Or cities – maybe there was a change of tribes and nationalities, millennia passing each other the baton of ancient worship to the gods and mysterious forces of the universe ….

Indeed, some scientists still believe that Tiahuanaco is the most the ancient city of America …

Time Egypt Inca Civilization Pyramids Portals Birds

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