Arctic Melting Will Lead to World War III

Arctic Melting Will Lead to World War IIIA photo from open sources

Russia and China will unleash a war for access to energy resources, American experts are sure

Climate change and global warming coming soon time can cause the third world war, we are sure US military. In their opinion, the cause of the conflict will be new sea routes and resources that will become available after melting ice of the Arctic, and China and Russia will unleash a war. That climate change and the emergence of new sea lanes may lead to conflict between competing countries, back in the past US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said this week, recalls Russia Today. Later, military experts drafted a report in which they noted that temperature changes affecting the Arctic ice cover occur much faster than is commonly believed, which means the danger of rivalry is just around the corner. While a few countries will fight for Arctic resources (in the region up to 30% of the world’s gas reserves and 15% of oil are concentrated), global warming will force residents of developing countries to migrate, to enter into conflicts due to an elementary lack food, experts are sure. “In Africa and the Middle East, we can already observe the negative effects of the weather, such as long droughts and floods, because of this there is a lack of food, desertification, mass migration and rising sea levels, ” report.

Arctic War Time Global Warming China Russia

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