Are the gums bleeding? Don’t be upset

Bleeding gums? Don't be upset.Photos from open sources of

Gums usually begin to bleed due to metabolic problems. substances, lack of vitamins, trace elements in the body and so Further. That is, this is a call to you that in nutrition and lifestyle you need change something.

It is in nutrition and lifestyle, and not in toothpaste and toothpaste brush, as many people think. However, there is nothing in this error. surprising, since from TV screens per person literally a flurry of advertising collapses, which proves that all problems with in the oral cavity in humans occur only due to improper selection of personal care products. And you pay attention to the teeth your dog or cat (hamster, rat, ferret, chinchilla) and think about why they dispense with the Blendamed magic paste, and because neither their teeth hurt nor their gums bleed …

And the point here is not even that these animals are not really human, they just don’t lead such an ugly way of life as we do not eat as thoughtlessly as we do, but most importantly, they don’t watch ads and don’t try to follow her.

As for the person, bleeding of gums is necessary, of course same, to treat, and first of all, as mentioned above, good nutrition, that is, eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. By the way, no matter how scolded raw foodists for their “flawed” nutrition, but they don’t suffer from bleeding gums, and all because that they eat a lot of fresh food.

Some folk recipes will not prevent bleeding. for example, rinse your mouth with a solution of the most common drinking soda, decoctions of sage, chamomile, oak bark. But if you need a simple solution soda does not help, and decoctions do laziness, we recommend take advantage of the famous doctor’s unique recipe I. Neumyvakin, who in this case recommends taking a canteen spoon of soda, add about forty drops of hydrogen peroxide to it and a few drops of lemon juice. The resulting paste will be the one a lifesaver wand that quickly removes from your mouth all problems, including bleeding gums. Just do this miraculous paste and rub gums with it in the morning and before bedtime – this is quite enough.

A photo from open sources

So if you have bleeding gums – do not get upset. But doctors should not be consulted either, especially dentists. They will certainly advise you some Blendamed, or some other muck. Do not think, they know the price of all this modern chemistry, but in most cases, doctors are dependent on pharmacists, otherwise and just make money on advertising all kinds of drugs, hard promoting them into your life, thereby shortening it …

A life

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