Artificial gills created. Scuba diving is possible toss out!

A photo from open sources

Diving fans! The good news: the device is created “artificial gills”. Soon everyone will be able to like fish breathe air dissolved in water and be in the deep sea unlimited time. Ichthyander will soon be in bulk! Human striving under water The underwater world has attracted man since ancient times. If historians do not lie, then Alexander the Great descended into the water diving bell. Then there were wooden barrels, fitted oiled skin for up to 20 people (Dutch project Van Drebel, 1620), the “hidden vessel” of a carpenter from the village Pokrovskoye Efim Nikonov (1721) and the submarine Englishman Simon (1747). Then came bathyscaphes, diving suits, submarines, etc. But man always dreamed of becoming a part deep sea, and not a guest, live under water, not visit there occasionally. Photos from open sources

The first more or less successful apparatus, which allowed breathing under water was created at the end of the 19th century in France, and in 1943 there, in French engineer Emile Gagnan and naval officer Jacques-Yves Cousteau designed scuba gear. But this was not enough for a man! He wanted get rid of cylinders with compressed air, and become really well fish. We invent artificial gills Engineers have long been created devices that allow oxygen to be obtained from water by electrolysis. That’s how nuclear submarines “breathe” and space stations. But these systems are so bulky that even diesel submarines cannot carry so much equipment with them, dispense with them and are forced to regularly pop up to replenish air reserves. What can we say about individual divers! TO the middle of the 20th century the idea of ​​the so-called “membranes” allowing filter out the gases dissolved in it from the liquid. In 1961 General Electric employee Walter Robb created the first functional “membrane gills”. On the role of the first “marine devils “were selected hamsters. In a box whose walls were assembled from “membranes”, submariner hamsters held several underwater hours without access from outside. Mumu Ihtiandrovich Edward Kushler, a scientist from the University of Minnesota, based on the device Robba created his own machine. The favorite was assigned to the role of the subject spouses terrier Muggins. Edward tied a stone to the dog’s neck and carried him to the Mississippi. The scientist’s calculation was brilliant: even if experience isn’t if he succeeds, he will at least get rid of the annoying dog. FROM a box on his head connected to artificial gills, Muggins spent 3 hours at the bottom of the river. Kushler rated the results as 50/50: the device is operational (+), the male dog survived (-). Need others solutions But for humans, the Kushler-Robb apparatus was not good. The simplest calculations showed that a person needs a “membrane” area of ​​80 sq.m. Engineers began to solve the problem of compactness. IN 80s, the Japanese created a device the size of a small box (with a coffin), which the diver was pushing in front of him. (Very good solution: in in case of a breakdown of the device, you do not have to spend money on ritual accessories!) However, it soon turned out that the path itself was a dead end. A person cannot breathe pure oxygen for a long time – he will recover. We all breathe air: a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. Therefore, the time spent under the water of a person equipped with a Kushler-Robb apparatus, limited. Take nitrogen cylinders with you under water to mix them with oxygen obtained from water? Than then the “membrane” different from scuba gear? The same trunk, only a profile view. The invention of Alon Bodner Israeli engineer at the beginning 2000s created a device that emits air from water. Container with seawater is placed in a centrifuge. When rotating air bubbles out of the water like an open soda bottle. Photos from open sources

1 kg lithium battery ensures that a person is found under water for 1 hour. With Bodner’s gills, a person can fish breathe air dissolved in water, i.e. be under water unlimited time until the batteries run out. Homo Aquaticus with at the ready, they are interested in the invention of Baudelaire civilian firms, but the military showed much greater interest departments. So most likely the first “Baudelaire gills” will try not deep-sea diving enthusiasts, but fighting swimmers special forces. And only then comes the turn to civilians.

Water Fish Time

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