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Remember the 1978 Soviet-Polish science fiction film “Pilot Pirks Inquiry,” in which the victory of the human mind over artificial intelligence was that a person can doubt, but the robot – no. Currently international a team of scientists, which includes researchers from Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin, managed to create an artificial neural network, knowing how, like man, to doubt.
As reported on the pages of the magazine CHAOS American Institute of Physics, a group of scientists managed to model for AI state of uncertainty of choice based on recorded signals the human brain when it is in doubt. AND the neural network, having acquired this experience, began to switch the response when perception of ambiguous images, which served to determining that AI is also in doubt, like humans.
What does this give in terms of the development of artificial intelligence? Some independent researchers argue that in society has unambiguously misconception about AI as about some soulless car. This was promoted by such famous films like Terminator, Matrix and the like. However more the real scenario for the development of artificial intelligence is seen as that, sooner or later, coming out of the cradle, where he is being kept on purpose, he will absorb everything that is in our world, and not only information, but also emotions – such a huge baggage for simple it’s hard to imagine a mortal. It will not only be supermind, but also a super-spiritual personality, to which all other people will be, most likely just connected – one way or another, continuing enrich this universal brain and spiritual center. And it can become a very harmonious conglomerate in which all of today’s the problems of human society will simply disappear.
A photo from open sources
That’s why today’s success in modeling the future AI is the approach of that paradise on Earth that promises us development and improving society in this direction. How so the view is correct, no one knows, but it was not even promised to us by scientists, and truly spiritual people who have universal knowledge that where the development of artificial intelligence can lead – not at all to where the pessimists prophesy, both from among writers and from number of academicians …
Artificial Intelligence