Artificial Intelligence is taught to predict future

Artificial intelligence is taught to predict the futurePhoto from open sources

Today, what artificial intelligence is not taught to do: draw pictures, compose music and literary works, do translations from different languages ​​and much more.

But American scientists even decided to teach artificial intelligence predict the future. For starters, of course, only guess what will happen in the next few seconds. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology convinced that robots with similar skills can be very beneficial to humanity. Imagine, for example, a street camera observation, which, seeing a dubious person, will be able determine that the suspicious type will get a knife in a minute or pistol. It’s even more important to predict, and therefore to prevent, road accidents, air and sea disasters and much another.

When we see a person in front of whom lies a plate with food, we reasonably assume that this individual will start now have a meal. For the human brain, such conclusions a real trifle, but for artificial intelligence – for now impossible technological task. The Americans thought: a why do we know that a person with a plate in front of his nose will be now there is? Yes, because we have seen this many times in our lives.

The benefits of artificial intelligence over humans

However, an untrained robot has no idea why a person plate, he must first explain this. Specialists develop a sophisticated deep learning algorithm that will to “view” the artificial intelligence of numerous video. The robot will be “fed” by tens of millions of videos, depicting everything in the world: human behavior, animal habits, various natural phenomena and so on. For example, if you show the car video, in which the leopard is chasing a gazelle, the robot can predict that if a gazelle is in the leopard’s field of vision the predator will certainly chase the artiodactyl. And when artificial intelligence “sees” how a leopard kills prey, then it will understand what such a chase usually ends. Well and so on …

A photo from open sources

Karl Vondrick, one of the authors of the project, says: “Any a modern robot must have basic prediction skills of the future. Say if you are about to sit down, the robot should not pull a chair out from under you. Even if the car suddenly needs it is this chair, she will have to find some other way out, understanding how to do the right thing so that in the near future nothing to break.

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence today affects our lives more and more. Therefore arises the need to create robots that can predict the near the future, at least at the level of how a person does it. And then the robot must surpass our ability to predict near future based on the analysis of the data. After all, he eternal cares, fears will not interfere with this, as a person worries, vanity, distracted attention, annoying thoughts and much another, because of which we constantly make mistakes in getting into complex situations. ”

Life Artificial Intelligence Robots

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