Artificial Intelligence taught to paint black and white photos

Artificial intelligence taught to paint black and white photosA photo from open sources

Still not invented technology that would allow automatically give black-and-white photographs and films color. If you need to do this, it takes a lot of painstaking work professionals who manually color each frame and each picture element.

With modern computer programs it’s certainly easier however, costly human labor is still indispensable. US researchers plan to fix in the near future this state of things with the help of artificial neural networks.

A photo from open sources

Artificial neural network is a special mathematical model and software allowing user interact with the network. The model imitates biological neural networks – in other words, such a system works by the principle of the human brain. She is able to recognize images, to make complex mathematical calculations, to collect and use databases. University of California staff at Berkeley developed an ultra-precise neural network that is highly credibility colorizes black and white images.

This is the best black and white coloring experience. photos using artificial intelligence

Richard Zang, Phillip Isola and Alexey Efros fed the program hundreds of millions of color photographs of people animals, nature, cities, various objects and much more. Artificial neural network figured out what color should be oranges and apples, sky and foliage, metal and wood. Program learned to determine what is shown in the picture, and color it in the right colors. If the photo shows a tiger, the program will give it wool is red, and the stripes will leave black. Network easily distinguishes on photo of people of the Caucasian and Negroid race, coloring their skin in the right shades.

A photo from open sources

Americans gathered a group of volunteers and showed them painted black and white shots. Twenty percent of participants experiences decided that they worked on the images in Photoshop highly qualified professionals. Despite being voiced the percentage seems low, he, according to scientists, actually impressive. Attempts have already been made in the United States create artificial intelligence capable of coloring photos, however, any of the programs offered then made it so difficult the operation is so unrealistic and clumsy that it didn’t go to what a comparison with the work of professionals.

Artificial Intelligence

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