A photo from open sources
Not in London today – tomorrow will be the presentation of the first stories of meat grown in the laboratory. They say it will be delicious. Grab the laurels. Closer is the event from which it can a new gastronomic era begins. A few weeks later on special event in London Mark Post of Maastricht University (Netherlands) will offer gourmets artificial meat – delicacy collected from 20 thousand layers of muscle tissue grown in laboratories. For the first time, the public (and potential investors) will be demonstrated the fundamental possibility of technology, about which say not the first decade, not only vegetarians, but also ecologists. For example, a study whose results were published in 2011, showed that full-blown the production of artificial meat will significantly reduce the use of water, land and energy, as well as emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases compared to traditional livestock. With growing demand for meat in China and other gradually richer countries This question only grows. Photos from open sources. Do you think all this will be eat up? (Photo by Francois Lenoir / Reuters.) Mr. Post – Only one of a number of researchers who have switched from growing artificial organs for medical purposes on making tasty and healthy food – I put it off several times the premiere, which was supposed to take place last November. By his in my own words, meat tastes really nothing, despite complete lack of fat. At the London presentation, he will add to it only salt and pepper. But a demonstration of opportunity is far from a solution. all the problems. Current artificial meat is grown from stem cells of calf embryos, and in the future they will have to be replaced with something. In addition, one sandwich with such meat costs € 250 thousand, and with this you also need to do something, otherwise the product categorically cannot compete with regular beef. And then – how to accept all this ordinary audience? Let’s start with the cost. In that it will decline, there is no doubt. Firstly, process automation and other technical innovations (e.g. Gabor Forgach from the University Missouri, founder of Modern Meadow, invents 3D bioprinter for the production of thicker layers of fabric). Secondly, to replace low-efficient plant for processing vegetable food into meat (that is, cattle) a process with high efficiency will come. Also don’t will spend precious resources on growing what is in food then it won’t go (horns, hooves, etc.). Now to the cells. Mr. Post uses myosatellites – stem cells, with the help of which damaged muscles are repaired. They are removed from the neck of a cow and placed in containers with a nutrient medium. By trial and error researchers figured out how their number can be doubled in three weeks (this is a breakthrough, and a mere trifle, because billions of cells are needed, you understand). Then the cells fall into a lump of gel on plastic utensils. The amount of nutrients drops dramatically, and the cells begin to starve, which causes them to turn into cells muscle tissue. Over time, they combine and form muscle fibers, overgrown with proteins, organize into contracting elements. The main thing here, Mr. Post emphasizes, is to correctly position the cells and allow them to gain a foothold in order to increase tension, without which muscles cannot contract. The result is a tiny pink thread about 12 mm long and only 1 diameter mm They are so narrow because cells need to be arranged as can be closer to the source of nutrients. If you want to get a strip thicker (and cook a steak, not a hamburger), will have to create a network of channels – the equivalent of blood vessels, so that nutrients reach every cell. (And for the steak you also have to grow adipose tissue.) Mr. Post justifies my choice in favor of myosatellites in that they are easy differentiate. “The satellite cage is perfect,” he says. – No need to resort to all sorts of tricks. In addition, there is practical benefit, for stem cell production and quality control is the responsibility of the animal itself. “But since myosatellite reproduction has a limit, Mr. Artificial Meat Fasting will always depend on the cow. Therefore other researchers put on those types of stem cells that are capable of reproduced indefinitely, so in regular trips there will be no need for a meat factory. For example, employees of Utrecht University (Netherlands) trying to isolate embryonic stem cells of pigs and cows. And Nicholas Genovese from the University of Missouri (USA) busy with ordinary mature cells that were “forced” become stem – in this case, sources of artificial meat there may be, for example, pig skin cells. But even if it fails completely abandon livestock, the need for it sharply will shrink. “I will be glad if herds around the world decrease though would be a million times, “admits Mr. Post. Prepared by New York Times. Netherlands