A photo from open sources Now yogurt will become like a fruit – washed and ate with the peel
Edible packaging technology introduced by the company Stonyfield Farms, now allow us to use the usual yogurt just like any fruit. Wash it and eat it right with the peel!
For many years, Harvard University professor David Edwards worked on the creation of edible food packaging that would resemble the peel of vegetables or fruits and at the same time protect product during transportation. Thus was born a packaging made of natural ingredients for solid or liquid foods – WikiPearl, which is already publicly accessible and may eventually completely displace plastic or polyethylene packaging polluting the environment.
A photo from open sources
In 2012, David Edwards organized a company called WikiFoods, where the focus was on developing edible WikiPearl packaging. At its core, WikiPearl is a “peel” or protective coating for food, which protects them from contamination and moisture loss (like peel of a grape or shell coconut). In such a “shell” the most a variety of products, such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, cheese, cocktails and more.
A photo from open sources
WikiFoods in collaboration with Stonyfield Farms also released a series of frozen yogurt called yogurt pearls Stonyfield. “Yogurt Pearls” are coated with an edible shell (with taste of peach, coconut, strawberry) filled with frozen chocolate yogurt.
David Edwards explained: “The concept of” environmentally friendly ” Wikicells packaging means the consumer can now store liquid or solid products in a soft shell that does not melt in hands. It is made of a protective electrostatic gel, formed by the binding interaction between natural edible particles, nutrients and polysaccharides. ”
A photo from open sources
Currently, the “food of the future” is presented in four Whole Foods supermarkets in Cambridge, Boston and Linfield, Massachusetts.
Fruit Time