As a result of the displacement of lithospheric plates in Kenya a huge crack formed

A huge crack formed in Kenya as a result of the displacement of lithospheric platesA photo from open sources

According to the Daily Star, East Africa happened an earthquake whose effects are still difficult to assess. The thing is that the earth shake itself was only a consequence of the displacement lithospheric plates, which is why in Kenya formed a huge crack that seriously worries both scientists and officials, and, most importantly, the inhabitants of this country themselves.

Here’s what one of the leading experts says about this. Kenya on this issue geologist David Ahede:

This is the great rift of the earth’s crust, and it literally vomits Africa in two. We have already established that the Somali lithospheric the plate moved away from another plate, the Nubian, by about 3 centimeter. This is a very serious call. If motion tectonic plates continue, then they will come off from each other and Africa will literally split. Currently, scientists are facing the main task is to thoroughly explore the area, so that decide where to build houses (instead of destroyed), how restore the road.

Indeed, a crack of at least 20 depth has passed through the ground meters and a width of 15-20 meters. This break literally tore east african rift valley and also damaged Kenyan Mai-Mahiu Narok Road. It was urgently repaired, however this a temporary measure that is unlikely to save an important transport artery from further destruction.

The houses of local residents were also affected. That’s how it says about what happened 72-year-old Mary Wambui, whose house was destroyed (collapsed in half) due to a crack:

Staying close to this fault is simply stupid. It’s all equal to exposing oneself to mortal danger, therefore many you have to literally drop your houses and get out of here. All this is very scary and difficult for us …

Kenyan authorities are doing everything possible to mitigate the consequences displacements of lithospheric plates to a minimum, but a lot in this matter depends not on the efforts of officials and not even on the money invested, but on nature. If her “anger” continues, then people will not be able to to do, despite all their efforts, and the African continent itself just breaks into two halves – and the consequences are hard even imagine …


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