Astrology about the end of the world

A photo from open sources

While many are preparing for the supposed end of light, Tallinn astrologer Olga Potemkina says nothing special on this day, December 21, will not happen. Astrologers present time is characterized as a transition period when it changes stellar countdown, that is, the earth’s axis passes from the sign of Pisces in Aquarius. The Age of Pisces was associated with religious wars, totalitarianism and spiritual stagnation lasted about 2160 years and ended in 2003. Age of Aquarius – the era of knowledge, bearing a change in the worldview of all mankind. “The closer December is, – confirms the astrologer Olga Potemkina, – the more and more heard reasoning about how we all together will go to another world, and this time completely serious. “According to her, the unusual moment and its difference from other previously known is that there will be a rare parade of planets, such an astronomical phenomenon, during whose time is a certain number of planets in the solar system lining up in one line. The highlight of this parade planets is that planets and other planetary systems visible from Earth. It is clear that in terms of the state of the solar system itself is no parade of planets. AND the astrologer makes a verdict, not subject to doubt: day December 21 2012 is no different from many previous and subsequent. “The horoscope of the day shows not only a series of events, related to the life of people, but can give an idea about weather, as well as what happens to the earth, its bowels, waters and nature, explains Potemkina. – So Pluto in Capricorn in intense interaction with Uranus in Aries can cause eruption volcanoes, drought, fires and dry thunderstorms. This aspect affects Earth since March of this year, and its impact will continue some years. Such aspects are called generational aspects, so how under their influence a whole generation of children is born and grows. ” According to the astrologer, the interaction of this aspect with others planets such as Mars or Saturn can cause natural and geological disasters. Another point that can affect planet, is Saturn’s intense interaction in Scorpio with Neptune in Pisces, which can cause storms, cold winters, early freezing and flooding in spring. Serious astronomers laugh when hear about the parade of planets, scheduled for December 21. In ancient times, when the calendars were drawn up, man knew very little about space, it seems like the Mayans were familiar with only six planets. Since centuries have passed, man has discovered new ones.

Time End of the World Saturn Solar System

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