Australia plans to spray GMO aircraft – cholera bacteria

As part of a controlled aerosol GMO – vaccinations …

Australia plans to spray GMO - cholera bacteria from aircraftA photo Open Source Gene Technology Regulatory Division (OGTR ) ready to issue a license for the campaign with PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for forced propagation in the environment GMOs – A vaccine consisting of living bacteria. Place of spraying will be Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria. By according to the regulator, these actions can be considered as limited and controlled distribution according to section 50A Gene Technology Act 2000. PaxVax wants to receive approval for clinical trials genetically modified live bacterial cholera vaccine. Project will be launched after trials that are expected to last one year. The experiment will take place in certain places, selected by local government (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia. PaxVax proposed a number of measures controls that they say will limit the spread and conservation of GMO vaccines and common genetic material.

However, it is likely that these measures will prove to be insufficient, which can lead to infection of the wildlife and ecosystems. Air vaccines used in the USA for processing animals using plastic bags discarded from airplanes or helicopters. Sanofi (pharmaceutical company, one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiaries enterprises such as Merial Limited, producing, for example, Raboral, an oral form of a poisonous virus that is harmful to a person who is widely distributed in the wild.

Author – Dave Mikhailovich

Australia Aircraft

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