Australian doctors rescued headless in traffic accident child

Australian doctors rescued a decapitated child in an accidentA photo from open sources

Australian doctors managed to make a real miracle, preserving life to a sixteen-month-old boy whose head is actually turned out to be torn off as a result of a terrible car accident. Now the doctors are calm about the condition of little Jackson Taylor and assure the parents of the baby that he will grow up completely healthy by man.

The car that Jackson, his mother and sister were in, calmly drove along the highway when in the oncoming lane with enough another car drove out at high speed. As a result of the frontal collisions a woman and a girl, as well as a driver responsible for the accident got a mild concussion, but the baby was practically beheaded – his skull completely lost contact with the spine. Such a serious injury usually leads to death, however Taylor was extremely lucky: he was taken to Jeff Askin, considered the best spinal surgeon in Australia and one of the best in the world. The doctor performed a complicated six-hour operation during which time the boy’s skull was connected to the spine special wire, and all disturbed tissues, including nerves, were sewn back.

At the moment, the little Aussie is fine herself feels. However, he is not allowed for another eight weeks will move his neck, so the doctors equipped the child’s head special design attached to the shoulders. The boy will be discharged in a week – in this form it is under the supervision of parents and an incoming doctor will be able to live at home until he arrives time to remove the denture holder.

It is worth noting that Jackson’s mother took up after experiencing traffic accident fighting irresponsible drivers. As it turned out, the man who provoked the accident hit into a cloud of dust and accidentally drove into the oncoming lane. All the fault became street racers who practiced riding that day nearby dirt road. The woman has already contacted the local administration with a request to close the mud track in order to prevent possible car accidents in the future.

Australia Drivers Time

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