A photo from open sources
This statement is based on two completely scientific conclusions: firstly, birds, especially raptors, are quite developed consciousness, and secondly, they do not need fires for random extreme or “entertainment,” but as an easy way to get food.
To this end, Australia’s birds of prey, in particular brown the falcon, the kooshoo and the black kite that were seen in such tricks are engaged in the spread of fire, and, transfer it to forests protected from natural fires (by rivers) or artificial (trenches) barriers. Feathered in this case, predators gather in small flocks, look out for smoldering sticks and then move the “fiery prey” through the air to the best, in their opinion, places for another fire, more often just within a kilometer.
Thanks to a new fire set up in this way, kites and the falcons receive free food as the fire drives out shelters of hundreds of birds, reptiles and rodents.
A photo from open sources
Researchers at this phenomenon were struck by the coordination feathered predators, as if they were conspiring with each other, and how to do. The most amazing thing is that Aborigines know about such in the habits of birds of prey, in their opinion, they always did this, as it is said from time immemorial.
Despite this statement by local residents, huntsmen and rangers fighting incendiary birds constantly run into the skepticism of official science and may suffer from these fires themselves.
The behavior of “fiery” birds, researchers say phenomenon, very similar to the tactics of corral game wolf pack. therefore there is nothing surprising in the reality of such uncontrolled arson, which, apparently, predatory birds are already engaged in thousands years…
Australia Birds Fires