Australia’s toad exile day unreasonable human intervention in nature

Day of the expulsion of the toad in Australia as a result of unreasonable human intervention in natureA photo from open sources

Man is the only representative of the animal world who himself does not know what he is doing. Trying to adapt the environment to his needs, it almost destroys nature. Or brings it to her something that then clutches his head in horror.

Probably each of us knows about Australian rabbits, which were brought to this continent in the middle of the XIX century with quite a reasonable prospect – good fecundity of animals, tasty meat. Moreover, they have already been imported from Europe to America, and there rabbits fit perfectly into the ecosystem. But in Australia, something went wrong, and these prolific animals literally began to destroy Australian flora and fauna, turning into an invasive species animals. By the way, despite all the efforts, the problem with rabbits in Australia has not been resolved so far.

A photo from open sources

But she is not the only one here. Rabbits, it turns out, is nothing taught the Australians. In the thirties of the last century to combat sugar cane bugs were brought to the continent toads, yeah. Since these amphibians in Australia did not have natural enemies, they quickly bred (one reed the toad lays up to 30 thousand eggs during the summer), and these eggs, then the tadpoles that hatched from them, like the adults themselves, of which there are already at least 200 million, very poisonous. Recall that the Indians of South America have traditionally wetted in the poison of the toad, yeah, arrowheads.

Currently, these poisonous amphibians have become a real disaster. for Australia, even worse than rabbits, as they gradually but very persistently destroy the fauna of the continent, ruining apiaries, killing Australia’s rare endemic, such as small marsupials, not to mention already about other Australian animals. Yes, and people often becomes a victim of this poisonous creature (in more detail about this see the documentary “Toads – killers” below).

Since people never came up with effective methods against the toad, huh, they just annually arrange Day of her exile with Continent – Toad Day Out. On this day, almost everything local the population (a kind of Soviet subbotnik) goes to collect caviar toads, yeah and catch the amphibians themselves. And dispose of everything it comes very carefully and carefully so that later scavengers were poisoned by waste.

How effective is all this, no one knows. Are offered and other methods of dealing with overgrown poisonous toads, but not one of them has yet been recognized as ideal. Recall that in the struggle with rabbits mosquitoes were once used in Australia and fleas infected with myxomatosis virus, so quickly destroyed up to 90 percent of harmful animals. However survivors rabbits developed immunity against this infection, and again became multiply intensively. That is why with “effective” means against Toads, yeah, scientists are in no hurry yet …

Australia Time

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