A photo from open sources
Why spring and autumn exacerbate colds in people and flu – a lot of opinions, including scientific and not very. However in From time immemorial, Russia has struggled with these seasonal misfortunes quite simple: herbal tea with honey and raspberries, a good bathhouse with birch with a broom, grindings based on natural components and, of course, compliance with fasting and purity of thoughts.
Nowadays, everything is mixed up, both in minds and actions, and therefore the main remedy for autumn or spring ailments were medicines from pharmacies. Moreover, even Russian people, once cautious related to chemicals, increasingly began to trust them: and the cooler, more beautiful the packaging (best of all overseas) than it more expensive – so, allegedly, more reliable and more truly.
But is it really so? For example, in Japan, the Ministry of Health already beating the alarm because such flu medications like Relenza, Laninamivir, and even more common Oseltamivir, as it turned out, have a very strange side the effect. People who use these drugs constantly, especially children and teenagers, for some reason, suddenly begin to behave inappropriately, for example, running headlong, and some even tried to jump out from the windows.
A photo from open sources
The funny and sad thing at the same time is that Japanese medical officials advise not to refuse such drugs, and monitor the behavior of those who take them …
Do not calm down that in our country there are no such medicines. The world pharmaceutical industry is very sophisticated: it can release the same component from the same flu under many other names, just adding some other components, changing packaging and attracting customers more beautiful promises, of course, not forgetting to throw the price for this is.
Therefore, firstly, do not trust imported drugs drugs in general – domestic and better, and safer and, most importantly, cheaper. And secondly, do not get carried away with drugs from the pharmacy at all. A man who constantly drinks some pills, potions, and so on. further, it is likened to an alcoholic who can no longer live without the next dose of alcohol. And here it doesn’t matter at all – the notorious it is vodka or advertised tablets. The bottom line is one: appears addiction, the drug less and less helps (need increase the dose or switch to stronger means), and with this is almost no relief. But a side effect is possible wait easily. Alcoholics say it’s a squirrel, but those who take the flu medication sold at the pharmacy like It turned out that they are also trying to jump out of the window? ..
Time Russia Japan