Awakened Yellowstone Volcano – Tectonic Russian weapons?

In the US states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho is the oldest national park in the world – Yellowstone. Famous for he is numerous geysers, rich in wildlife and very picturesque landscapes.

But besides rivers, lakes, canyons and caves in Yellowstone Park is the largest supervolcano in all of North America continent. And although the last time he erupted quite a long time ago – 600 thousand years ago, the United States, in fact, continues sit on a huge powder keg.

Is the Yellowstone Caldera a hotbed of world apocalypse?

Recently, the world’s media flew scary news – a supervolcano in Yellowstone Park began to show activity. Since March 28 in the territory of the national reserve already recorded more than 20 tremors. The strongest is 4.8 points – occurred on the morning of March 30, after which the bison became leave the park.

According to individual experts, the probability of an eruption The supervolcano in the US is as high as ever. What threatens Is America a possible disaster?

Aroused Yellowstone Volcano - Russian Tectonic Weapon?A photo from open sources

First of all, it should be clarified how the supervolcano differs from ordinary. A typical volcano, according to the views of an ordinary layman, – it’s a cone-shaped hill with a crater from which lava erupts, ashes and gases. The cone of a volcano builds up during eruptions when boiling in the bowels of our planet magma breaks up, turning into volcanic lava, and pours out through the upper part of the fault. Stiffening, it just forms a volcanic cone.

As for supervolcanoes, they have such a feature, because of which people about their existence for a long time simply do not suspected. They don’t look like the usual fire-breathing cones these are vast territories of the thinned earth’s crust, under which red-hot magma pulsates. Throughout the super volcano can settle down a few ordinary ones that may from time to time erupt. But these emissions themselves, perhaps, can be compared only with the release of steam from the overheated boiler. Another thing if this the “boiler” will simply explode, because supervolcanoes behave exactly.

A few days before the explosion, the earth rises above the supervolcano bark – significantly, a few meters. At the same time, the soil heats up to 60-70 degrees, and the concentration in the atmosphere will increase sharply hydrogen sulfide and helium.

The first thing Americans will see is a cloud of volcanic ash, which rises into the atmosphere to a height of 40-50 kilometers. Pieces of rock thrown by the explosion to a great height, falling, cover a gigantic territory. In the early hours of the cataclysm the area within a radius of 1000 kilometers from epicenter. Residents of American Seattle and Canadian Calgary and Vancouver.

In an area of ​​10 thousand square kilometers will rage the so-called pyroclastic wave – deadly streams hot mud. They will arise when the pressure of the striker in the lava sky will weaken and part of the pillar will collapse in the enormous an avalanche burning everything in its path. Survive at this scale pyroclastic flows will be simply unrealistic. At at temperatures above 400 degrees, human bodies will simply weld. According to rough estimates, about 200 thousand will die in a burning liquid human.

Then earthquakes and tsunamis that will provoke explosion. The victim count in this case will go to tens of millions, and This is provided that North America does not go under water at all. Soon after, the ash cloud begins to expand, absorbing all United States territory. During the day, the disaster area expand to the Mississippi.

It would seem that ash is the most harmless thing occurs during an eruption. But in fact, everything happens with exactly the opposite. Particles of ash are so small that they do not neither gauze dressings nor respirators will save. Getting into the lungs, ashes mixes with mucus and, hardening, turns into cement …

When a layer of volcanic ash reaches 15 centimeters, the load on the roofs of the buildings will become too much. Houses will start crumble, and this will be the main cause of death in areas around Yellowstone, circumvented by a pyroclastic wave. Other deaths will follow from poisoning – rainfall will be extremely toxic. A a month later, clouds of ash and ash will cover the sky and the Sun throughout The earth.

After another two weeks, the temperature in different parts of the world will drop to values ​​from -15 to -50. Average surface temperature Earth will be about 25 degrees. Winter will drag on at least one and half year. This time will be enough to forever The natural balance on the planet has changed.

Long frosts and lack of light will destroy the vegetation. Highly soon everyone on the planet will find it difficult to breathe, representatives fauna will painfully die from hunger, cold and epidemics, and people will have to temporarily move underground, as in recent Canadian movie “Colony.”

What keeps Obama secret?

Basically, this sad forecast concerns residents of the western hemisphere. The inhabitants of other parts of the world, including Russians, the chance of survival will be much higher. Most people estimated scientists, will survive in Siberia and the East European part of Russia, located on earthquake-resistant platforms, remote from the epicenter of the explosion and protected from the tsunami. As for directly to the United States, the consequences on their territory will be most catastrophic.

Thus, the supervolcano in the territory of the American National Park, in fact, is for the United States weapons worse than Russian missiles. Speed ​​Up American apocalypse, by the way, is capable of a single warhead if she will go straight to the epicenter. According to scientists, the explosion The Yellowstone Caldera is comparable to the explosion of ten thousand atomic bombs.

Specialists note that alarm signals from Yellowstone began to arrive in the early 2000s, but the largest and thereby the caldera began to show frightening activity at the end of March current year. Proponents of conspiracy theory saw a connection between this event and the Crimean crisis.

In their opinion, Russia has demonstrated its development in areas of tectonic weapons and at the same time hinted at the USA “retaliatory measures” against the imposed sanctions. Like, that’s why America is so limp – Obama tied hand and foot threat of exposure to the Yellowstone Caldera.

The statement is loud and even, to put it mildly, shocking. But probably Is it really?

The Age of Geophysical Wars

January 12, 2010 in Haiti, a terrible earthquake killing more than 222 thousand people. In Port-au-Prince, the capital countries, thousands of residential buildings and almost all were destroyed hospitals. About 3 million people were left homeless.

A photo from open sources

Soon after, the now deceased Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accused the US of testing tectonic weapons, the result of which and there was this earthquake. According to Chavez, the States have created such weapons for war with Iran. A similar test, argued Venezuelan president, had been held a week earlier in the Pacific ocean and led, in turn, to an earthquake in California.

Officially, the existence of tectonic weapons is not confirmed by no country in the world. Still in creating and the use of such installations has been repeatedly accused by the United States, USSR and China. No direct evidence, however, never It was not submitted.

There is a curious fact: in the late 70s of the past century, two world superpowers concluded an agreement under which a ban on military developments in the field of geophysics. In fact, this indirectly confirms that some developments to time has already been spent, and given some features of the world’s strengths of this, it is likely that they are still under the guise of some peaceful research institute for weather control.

It is believed that for the first time such weapons were used in time of military operations in Vietnam in the 1970s. US military bombing over Vietnamese troops missiles with chemical reagents provoked protracted showers.

But, of course, these are just flowers compared to those in than the late Hugo Chavez blamed on Americans in 2010. By the way, in the same 2010 in the European territory of our country abnormal heat has established – the national average is air warmed up to 30-35, and even up to 40 degrees. Not an exception and Tver region, and a record temperature was recorded in Kalmykia – plus 45.4 ° C. Recall that the victims of the abnormal summer by 55 thousand people who died from fires, as well as from heart attacks and heat stroke.

By the way, a very hot summer with peat fires and powerful smog It stood on the European territory of Russia in 2002. It coincided with one of the launches of the American HAARP installation. It’s believed that this structure, officially created to study the properties of the ionosphere Earth capable of making some adjustments to meteorological processes and even provoke tectonic shifts.

A photo from open sources

The HAARP project was launched in 1997 in Alaska. Part installations include antennas, incoherent radiation radar with antenna twenty meter diameter, laser locators, magnetometers, computers for signal processing and antenna field control. The complex is developing and researching on it. US Air Force Laboratory in Kertland, State New Mexico. The laboratories of astrophysics, geophysics and weapons of the Airspace Space Technology Center US forces.

Some experts suggest that the installation provoked the Sichuan earthquake in China in 2008 and already the mentioned earthquake in Haiti. The implications of HAARP also attributed to the accident of the Russian satellites GLONASS and automatic station “Phobos-Grunt”.

But the worst thing about geophysical weapons is that they are directly It represents Pandora’s box – it’s easy to open, but already close impossible. Artificially created cataclysms turn back nobody will be able to. And those who use such weapons, completely immune from the fact that their offspring will not turn against them.

There is a version that the same hurricane Katrina hit The United States in 2005 is a failed test. American meteorological weapons. Just the case when the invention worked against its creators. Nonetheless Americans hastened to accuse us of using these weapons.

American meteorologist Scott Stevens said for the first time military technologies in the field of geophysics began to be applied by Russia against the USA back in 1976. Is this the reason why both countries at the end of the decade concluded the above treaty?

The defector, Major General of the KGB Oleg Kalugin, added fuel to the fire, who gave an interview to the London press in the early 90s. He stated that in Nevertheless, the USSR was developing new weapons of mass destruction. Most of the experiments, he said, were aimed at the creation of earthquakes and tsunamis that could strike Pacific coast of the USA.

As a potential Russian “superweapon” usually called the complex “Sura”, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, as well as the now inactive ZRLLS “Arc-1”, established in radio center Chernobyl-2. It is also interesting that the first such the installation was built near Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1975 year – a year before the start of the “meteorological war”, according to Stevens. And its location just matches the conditions theories of possible attacks on the western shores of the United States.

The Nizhny Novgorod complex is still operating, and, according to a number of specialists, it is he who is one of the Russian “meteorological installations” periodically “suggesting rustling” on United States. By the way, it is this complex of foreign scientists called the cause of almost all natural disasters in the world, when it became known to the general public.

Officially, “Sura” was developed as research laboratory that was supposed to significantly improve radio communications in the vast territory of the Soviet Union, and provide ongoing monitoring of potential the adversary. But in the end, allegedly, the successes of Soviet scientists exceeded all expectations …

“Silent” Third World

It turns out that people can still potentially influence the weather and even, as is characteristic of our nature, to do this to the detriment of each other. The threat of an all-destructive nuclear war has passed – everyone understands that in such a conflict cannot be a winner, and scorched radioactive spaces will not do any good. Instead of this politicians are looking for other ways to influence their opponents.

You can threaten a potential enemy with an atomic bomb, like this was imprudently done by Yulia Tymoshenko in the recently surfaced telephone conversation, and thereby outrage the whole world, but you can quietly spoil the weather in the territory of a hostile state. Some observers, albeit carefully, but still speculate that Russia and the United States periodically exchange “meteorological impacts”.

Hurricane Katrina, ravaged New Orleans, anomalous drought in Russia in 2010 and snowfall in November 2012, intensification Yellowstone Caldera and April Cooling in European parts of Russia – all this can be links in the same chain. It is possible that the Third World War has already begun, just it is conducted by such unusual means that we simply we do not notice.

To exhaust, destroy the enemy, unbalance him and demoralize so that you can then dictate your conditions to him, – such tactics fit into the concept of modern geopolitical battles. And for such purposes it’s just perfect suitable geophysical weapons that can plunge overnight even the most developed country in chaos.

The most important thing is not to get involved in the process, because the card may to be put the existence of all mankind. Release genie It’s easy, but much harder to get it out of the lamp. If at all perhaps.

Sergey Savinov

Barack Obama War Time Volcanoes Earthquake Yellowstone China End of the World Fires Missiles Russia USSR USA HAARP

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